The steps to a hell of happiness

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As she giggled her mind suddenly felt as if part of it was lost, it was almost like erasing a file on a computer everything is still there, except for one part. she felt the veil in her head, even with her limited movement of her arms due to her chains on her wrists she ripped the veil off with a loud yelp. as she looked around she growled with the fierceness of a rabid wolf, she started to yank hard on her chains until her wrists and palms were raw.

{WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?!?!?! THIS ISN'T LIKE ME!!!!!!!!" she screamed in her thoughts

it felt to her like she had no control over her body. but the horrible Truth of the matte was that this was a very real part of her, the part of her that shouldn't be let out. she continued to lash about growling. the sound of something against the door was not noticeable, but the light coming in the room from the door opining was. The man entered the room with something in a net, the light orange hair attached to the bloody, wounded squirming figure was shocking.

{w-what? w-w-why?!} stitch thought {why is she in a net like that?!!}

the man looked at the net then back at stitch and once more at the net "now now Clara we don't want to scare the lil' one right?" 

the squirming doctor slowly stopped fighting and lay in a silent little mess of blood, orange hair, a torn up outfit, and was that a knife in her hand? stitch stared at the shallow little bundle and something in her head clicked, a feeling so great that she lashed about more and the creaking of the iron chain links slowly giving way gave T.M.I.W. a bit of fear.

"now  stitch" he looked at her with a stern fatherly face "we don't want your doctor to get hurt more do we? but she was a bad girl and needs to be punished, i was wondering if you could do that for me. can you?"

{like hell i would you horrible person!! let her free she didn't do anything wrong!!" stitch wanted to yell, but she knew she couldn't. she was just never able to know why. the man unlocked her chains and opened the net and stepped back.

"prepared to do the honours?" he mumbled faintly. then turned to rummage though his pockets and look away form the carnage that he expected to happen

stitch stared at the fear stricken face of the kind doctor and started to quiver. she shook her head and tried  to resist but the sent of blood was too strong, her mind slowly started to become blank and the only thing that remained was the urge to kill. she started to giggle and smile as she limped towards the doctor. the doctor tried to escape her net bindings and in her struggled she caused a small, pointed, medieval looking dusty vial  of a vibrant purple bubbly liquid. the doctor freed herself and scooted away as stitch saw the vial.

{hmm? its so pretty...} her seemingly blank mind thought.

Clara ran her hands through her pockets panicking, "were is it?!" she shrieked

when she spotted the vial she hurried and scooted to try and swoop it up before stitch could get it. at the same moment stitch was bending over to grab the pretty vial. but the timing was too perfect. 

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