doctor! doctor! Im killing you

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she spent the entire day in complete boredom wondering what to do while she waited for someone to enter her room. she has been thinking of the new woman doctor and wondered why she hasn't left yet, the doctor still worked there for the past 5 days, five days since they met. 5 days too many. she shook her chains in boredom and saw the light from the door opining shine though with the loud creek of the steel door. she looked up expecting to see The Man in white but instead she saw the doctor walk in with a small slice of cake in her hand. cake? its been so long, so many birthdays passed without any small party or a "happy birthday". what day was it? one glance to the caldear showed the date. the dreaded birthday. it was April 2. 

{i wonder what she is doing here, anyway what is her name?} stitch thought

"hello dearie!" she exclaimed as if she wasn't talking to a chained up girl "i heard though the grapevine that it was your birthday?!" 

stitch nodded and looked at the thin slice of cake and wondered if it was for her. if so it would be a kind thing for a stranger to do but it was also odd, was there some kind of drug in the cake? a new experiment to test? the doctor cut off a bit of cake and held it up to stitches mouth and nodded towards the fork, as if saying "go on, it wont bite". stitch sighed and ate the cake. it was like nothing she ever tasted being fed only strange chemicals, minerals, pills and such has left her mouth tasting bitter and somewhat metallic, like a rusty penny soaked in acid. but this cake was wonderful an explosion of some kind of sweet flavor. what was it?

"like the cake? its chocolate." the doctor said with a smile "and i remember that i never said my name... its Clara."

{Clara? nice name} she thought and nodded with a faint smile.

Doctor Clara kept feeding stitch until she turned her head away when full. one can only endure such sweetness for a while. she looked as the doctor bid her farewells and left the room shutting the door and locking her in darkness. so long company, until next time. she looked around and soon fell asleep. when she awoke The Man In White was staring at her with a smile as sheer as the veil he carried firmly in his right hand. what was that for? a new experiment?

"well g'mornin, heard from the doc that ya got a new name" he muttered the last part so softly that stitch strained her ears to hear. "now what may that name be?"

she sighed and pointed to her stitch marks and then let her hand go beck into its normal rag doll state. why was he asking these mindless questions, he should just get back to doing whatever he is going to do with that veil. as she though this the man placed his hand on her face to cup her cheek gently. she looked up and sighed once again but very quietly, as usual she cant make out his face in the darkness. as he lifted the veil onto her head she noticed that small needles pointed out form the headband that is attached to the veil. 

{ohh} she though in realization {that's what he is gonna do to me}

as he pushed the needles though her head she winced in pain as the needles pushed past her hair and flesh leaving the sticky warmth of blood slowly forming in small drops around the sharp needle base. the pain accelerated as the needles pierced her skin more and more, causing her to yelp quietly and when his work was done he stepped back and smiled at his work. he held up his hands like framing a picture that he was going to put up.

"ill call it the bleeding bride." he exclaimed exuberantly and cl aped his hands in joy.

he smiled and sighed and turned to leave leaving echoing heavy steps behind him. while walking with a happy smile on his face he heard the signs that all his years of hard work were going to pay off, it all comes in steps.

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