Chapter 1

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6 months ago.

"Love. Crazy how something so simple, and accessible to them is something I long for the most. You see, when you're born into 76 you don't get love. You don't get the feeling of looking at someone and feeling a rush of butterflies (or at least that's how the books describe it). Here. Here we get partners. I've had mine for about a month now and still have yet to get pregnant. The only thing that keeps me from being marked as infertile is the authority of the father. He's fifth to the president, which means he's pretty powerful. Anyways back to me being infertile. Infertile = the lowest class of humans. Those who cannot provide a child for their husband, also fail to grow our people and therefore are purposeless to our community. Most infertiles live on the side of the street, and beg for food, while the rest of them simply die off or are executed. But that's not what I'm scared of. I'm scared that I have made a terrible mistake. I've married a boy whom I do not love. He is one of the most courageous, handsome, and kind boys in our community, yet I feel nothing for him. When I look at him I feel as if I'm looking at a wall. I hate it. Most people don't mind having their partner chosen in fact, I don't think most of them know what love is and the few that do have given up all hopes for it, but me. I think I'll find him one day when I least expect it. When I'm down to my last hope. When time starts moving too fast, and he's the only one who can stop it."


Present time.

"Nothing." The girl sighed in disappoint, letting down her husband once again. Another pregnancy test that failed to give the girl the news she wanted. They've been trying for almost 7 months and have yet to create a child.

"God dammit, what are you doing wrong." The young man snapped. "Out of all the things that could happen to me, I get this! Matched with an infertile!"

"I'm not infertile!" The girl shot back, wiping the tears that had emerged involuntarily.

"Then why have we tried numerous times for a child and are still without one? Huh? God dammit Camila are you that naive?"

This time the young man's words stung. Questions linger in her head, what if she was truly infertile? What If she would never be able to have a child? How would she be treated?

"I have to go." Camila sniffled, her voice low and shaky.

"That's right, run away again Camila. That's what people like you are perfect for." The young man shot back one last time, before slamming the bedroom door shut behind him.

The young girl cleared her eyes before getting in her car. Whenever she and Shawn would fight, they would always go through the same things. He would say whatever comes to his mind and then an hour later apologize and say that they can try again tomorrow. In reality he just fears that she'll tell her father and he'll be punished for mistreating his daughter.


After looking around, the brown eyed girl finally stopped at a small coffee shop on the corner of the community far enough that her husband couldn't find her.

"Hi welcome to Landon's." The waitress greeted, as Camila walked in. "I'm Lauren and I'll be taking your order today. What would you like?"

The brown eyed girl scanned through the small menu thoroughly, before finally placing her order. "Can I have a cup of hot chocolate and a cookie?"

"Good choice, those are my favorites." The green eyed waitress smiled, before going back to make the girls meal.

Camila settled on the furthest seat from the nearest window in the shop. The idea of looking at the town that was ruining her made her sick. Pulling out a pencil and a piece of notebook paper, the young girl began to write.

"Today was just like yesterday. And yesterday was just like tomorrow. And tomorrow was just like today. The same fights. The same tears. The same exhaustion. I am tired. Correction: I am so tired. I've been married for almost 7 months. 7 months of marriage to a boy who I could never love. And when I say that, don't believe that I haven't tried to love him. Don't think for one second I didn't try to have him touch me and get shivers. Or look into his eyes and feel as if nothing else matters. Because I did. I tried so hard to love the man I married. But here I am, hiding from him, wondering how much further I have to fall before someone finally picks me u-"

"One glass of hot chocolate and one cookie for you." Lauren announced, cutting off the girls train of thought
"You can write?" The green eyed waitress asked curiously, noticing the girls note.

Writing was something that was exclusive to the few children raised in power or to the people who were lucky enough to get it passed down to them.

"Um yeah..." Camila stumbled, hiding her sheet of paper from the other girl.

"Oh sorry! I didn't read anything it's just.... I can write too and, I've never met anyone else who's able to do it as well." The girl apologized.

In 76 writing and reading didn't go hand in hand. The ability to read, (which every citizen is taught), had nothing to do with the ability to write. In fact, they were two totally different things.

"Really?" Camila questioned. The dark haired girl didn't look like someone who would have been taught how to write. She was strikingly beautiful, yet she lacked the 'I was raised with my dad as the president' look.

"Yes! My grandma taught me just before she died. She said if I keep practicing, one day, I can use it to change this place." The girl answered. "Anyways I'm sorry to bother you. Enjoy your meal." She added, returning back to another customer.

Questions about the young girl quickly filled Camila's mind. "How did her grandma know how to write? And if she knows how to write than why is she working a job like this. Does she know what love is? Does she know the true history of 76?" Camila thought to herself. "And why was she so damn pretty. Also, why the hell do I think she's pretty?" Her mind continued to ask, running rapid.

"Who is she?" Camila asked herself finally, before quickly picking up her pencil and paper to write.

"Scratch everything I just said. Today is not the same as yesterday."


A/N - Okay so that's that! This first chapters super short, I'm really just counting it as a get to know the story type chapter but hopefully it foreshadows what's to come! Anyways!!!!!!!!! Thanks for reading and I'm excited for this story.

- Lauren
Twitter: @laurensolos
(Sorry for any spelling errors and my over excessive use of periods. Tweet me your thoughtz :)

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