Chapter 3

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Nerves that had already been installed, quickly escalated at the sound of the green eyed girl's voice. Even though she had been waiting for this moment, she didn't think Lauren would be here (she hadn't been there the other million times she visited) and she didn't know if Lauren would even recognize her, let alone obsess over her like the brown eyed girl had.

"Breathe," she thought to herself, before adjusting the black and white bow in her hair. She had thought about what she was going to say a dozen times, she knew what she wanted to know.

"Hi, Lauren." The brown eyed girl greeted, her hands nervously battling each other.

It took a minute for the dark haired girl to recognize the brunette, but after a moment of thought, she finally remembered. "Camila!" She welcomed excitedly. "I remember, you were the sad girl who sat in the corner over there." She recalled, pointing in the direction of the tables.

Camila simply smiled in agreement, as she took in the other girl's features. She noticed she had a scar above her left eye that looked like it was fresh. New skin had yet to grow over it and faint color of blood still looked as if it was coming out. The girl was also deadly pale, as if she had just come out of a twilight movie. But finally, the brunette's eyes wandered down to the girl's lips, taking in the fullness of them. They had been a slight variation of pink, and just moist enough to see the light reflect on them.

"I'm sorry. Can I get your order?" The green eyed girl coughed, noticing the girl staring and the awkward silence in the room.

"Oh my God, of course." Camila snapped out of her thoughts, clearly flustered. "Can I have a cookie and some tea?" She managed to get out, before finding herself a table in front of the window. A new view from where sat the last time, and this time a new feeling. 2 months ago she couldn't wait to escape her town, everything so boring, old and unfulfilling, but today was different. Today was the last day she would see her home without soldiers and fighting. Today was the last time she would see peace on her people's faces with blue eyes instead of grey. And today was the last day she would see the green eyed girl who had captured her attention the day they met. So there she sat, taking in every detail and recalling every name.

"Camila." The brunette heard. It was safe to say all she was expecting was her cookie and tea, but boy was she wrong.


"I'm going to take the bag off and tape. Remain calm and I won't have to put it back on." The brunette heard the familiar voice say. Suddenly, a hand reached over and lifted the darkness from Camila's eyes. In the same movement, she reached over and pulled the tape from the brown eyed girl's lips.

"Hi-" The other girl tried to say, but was interrupted by Camila's screams. "Okay, if you're going to do that I will have to put the tape back on." The dark haired girl said calmly, pulling over her car and directing her attention to Camila.

The brunette didn't listen though, her gut wrenching screams filled the car. "Camila I'm not going to hurt you for god's sake." Lauren yelled back, louder so the girl could hear.

"What- what are you doing, why are you doing this? Why me?" The younger girl asked, still in panic.

"Your father's going to go to war with 89, which I believe you know. I'm not a member of your town, I am royalty in 89, brought here, to observe and take notes for whenever we do go to war. Now that, that time has come, I've discovered we must have a pawn. That pawn is you." The green eyed girl explained. "I'm not going to let them hurt you, I promise. We need you here so he doesn't blow up our entire city. No man blows up his own daughter right?" She added, her gaze still direct on the smaller girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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