Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Paris, France 1832

Josephine, now 18 years of age, barreled throughout the streets of Paris, her bare feet burning beneath her. "Eponine, slow down!" She huffed when they came to a sudden stop.

"We're almost there , Josephine! Come on!" Eponine cried with a turn to her little sister. Josephine knew the reason why Eponine wanted to come along with her to the protest. And his name was, Marius Pontmercy, Eponine had fancied him for quite sometime. Josephine could tell that this love would falter, for Pontmercy didn't feel the same for her.

A loud voice could be heard a little ways off of Eponine and her. Josephine smirked to herself, it was her best friend Courfeyrac. Josephine placed a hand on Eponine's shoulder to let her know she was leaving. Eponine nodded to her sister, looking back to Marius in some kind of trans.

Josephine stealthfully moved behind Courfeyrac throwing her arm around his shoulder. "When we gonna live?" She put in with a smile to Courfeyrac, who grinned wildly back at her.

Joly, the boy with dark hair and dark eyes said, "Something's got to happen now!"

"Something's got to give!" She cried.

The leader of the rebellions, Enjolras, stood on a raised step with Marius Pontmercy standing next to him. Josephine looked down to the crowd to find Eponine transfixed on him. She felt a pain in her heart as she watched her sister.

"Where are the leaders now?" Enjolras began. "Where are the swells who run this show."

"Only one man, General Lamarque speaks for the people here below!" Marius continued.

Josephine looked at Courfeyrac, he still had his wild grin on his face. She dropped her arm from around his neck, running off her post towards Enjolras and Marius. Once Enjorlas saw her below in the crowd he smiled big to her and reached his hand out for her, she smiled at her childhood friend accepting his hand, "Lamarque is ill and fading fast. Won't last a week." She yelled bravely to the people.

"With all the anger in the land! How long before judgement day?" Marius said after her comment.

"Before we cut the fat ones down to size!"

"Stay here, and die!" The police men roared to the people below, causing everyone to disperse throughout every exit. The rioters moved swiftly away from the stands.


Josephine moved herself towards Enjolras, and looked to him with questioning eyes. "Must I ask where M'sieur Grantaire is for this protest?"

Enjolras smirked down at her sighing heavily, "He is where you would normally find that drunk, the pub."

Josephine rolled her eyes , of course, Grantaire was one to miss a protest for wine. Josephine knew deep down that something was truly eating away at him, why else would he constantly be drunk? 

Whenever they were together, Josephine and Grantaire, they would constantly bicker or joke and tease with each other. The boy had thick messy black hair, and a blue eyed gaze that could melt the sun. Josephine did fancy him but she would never admit it to anyone, not even herself.

"Then, I know where I'm heading to next, thank you Monsieur Enjolras," she said waving good bye.

She walked through the streets of Paris ignoring the looks of the men that looked at her hungrily.

Josephine walked into the pub to see Grantaire sitting by the bar. She moved silently and placed her hands over his eyes leaning into him whispering into his ears. "Hello, Monsieur Grantaire."

He grinned ear to ear, "Is this my fair Lady Josephine?" He jokingly mocked, turning around and grabbing her hands within his.

As quick as he held her she had let go of his hands sitting down next to Grantaire looking at him, "And who else would you want it to be?" She said smiling.

"I could think of others," he laughed taking another swig of his drink.

Her mouth fell agape and she placed a hand over her heart pretending to be hurt, "Well then, I'll take my leave then!" She told him turning her face away then getting up to leave.

"Good, because I was about to leave too. Lets go together." Grantaire said, placing his hand into hers.

"Alright Monsieur." She smiled sheepishly, her heart pounding as he took her hand once again.


The two walked silently through the streets of Paris, Josephine feel more protected now with the dark haired boy beside her.

"You weren't at the protest, Grantaire."

"Oh, did you miss me, Josephone?" He said wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"You know I always do! It's one of the reasons I go to the protests." She called to him patting his chest a slight blush upon her cheeks.

"We should take you home Mad'moiselle, it's getting quite late." He chuckled.

Josephine nodded and giggled. "Thank you Monsieur Grantaire," she said grabbing his hand and interlacing her fingers with his. It took Grantaire by surprise but he returned the gester and squeezed her hand.

When they had arrived to her house she turned to him abruptly holding her hand to shake it as a thank you, "And here we are Grantaire, my lovely home." She said sarcastically. Grantaire smirked grabbing her hand and pulled her closer kissing her cheek.

"Goodbye Mad'moiselle Josephine." He said with a seductive smile and turned his heel. The girl stood rooted to the spot, the kiss still could be felt upon her check.

"Oh Josephine!" Eponine sang, grasping both her sisters hands. "I do believe I saw that! You do fancy Monsieur Grantaire! I knew the day would come!"

"Dear sister, Eponine! I am afraid I don't know what you are getting at!" She stated blankly, with a hint of pink in her cheeks.

"Of course dear sister. Of course."

That night, Eponine filled her in on how Marius asked her to find a girl he hadn't even talked to. And how he was in love with this woman, this Josephine knew hurt without a doubt. Eponine told her the girls name, Cosette. This name was familiar to me.

Who are you, my dear Cosette? That gives my sister pain.

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