Letters From El~2

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September 15th 2011

Dear Kit,

I've had the grandest time with Louis and his friends! Talisha was right and he called me on the 10th to invite me to his mates birthday party, his name is Niall and Kit, he's down right Irish. That little ball of blonde can drink like he was born to do so, but oh he was ever so sweet, Lou treats him like a little brother. Last night Lou introduced me to his other friends Zayn and Liam..And of course you remember Harry, right? He worked at the bake shop with Lani for a couple months before he went off onto the X factor. Perhaps in my last letter I wasn't so clear.

Lani called me up last week and invited me to lunch saying she was going to meet up with Harry and one of his friends and said she would love for me to join her, we met at this lovely little café and that's were Harry introduced me to Louis and I think you know the rest.

Anyways, it was a smashing party. Once again Louis was so calm but he got a little bit tipsy and had to get me to drive him and Harry home- What an experience that was! Harry fell asleep half way through the drive and Lou kept trying to poke his nose with his shoe. What can I say, boys will be boys. I helped carry Harry into the flat that Lou and him shared and Louis sobered up enough to properly thank me for joining him and driving him back home. I was expecting he would kiss me but he said he would like to have a founder memory of our first kiss. I completely agree but now he's gotten me all worked up about it. We've been texting this morning trying to work a date out, he's so busy with his job and I'm juggling mine and school, it's a day in the life, Kit.

Well once more I shall sign off.. But please do tell me what you think of Louis, in my opinion I think he's one of the most wonderful people I've ever met.

With love,


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