Chapter six

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I glared at Paul with my fists curled up into balls "Shut the fuck up Paul!" I said in a low dark voice, After mentioning I was out with Jacob last night Paul made it his job to tease me about liking Jacob.  And everyone was on his side about me liking him, Even Emily! Who thinks its 'Cute'!

"You cant be miss tough forever, You will have to face it sooner or later"Paul said grinning ear to ear while Embry and Jared sat back enjoying the show, Its been going on like this for like three hours. Its not my fault he wont shut his face

"How many times do I need to tell you to shut up!" I Snapped starting to shake,  Today haves not been the best I ran into Laurent again and I have been shaking on and off all damn day and  arguing with Paul for three hours  I just cant wait for today to end "Shut your mouth before I shut it for you!" I growled when Paul went to open his mouth again

"Your scary yet awesome when your angry" Jared said grinning which made Paul smack him in the back of the head, I don't know why but I was still shaking and harder then I have been and I feel like really warm all of a sudden and sweaty and for some reason that made Embry grin like a fool

"Lets get you outside" Embry said getting off his chair and grabbed on of my arms, No matter how hard I struggled to break free I couldn't seem to. I never knew Embry was so strong "Sam we have a little situation out here" Embry shouted as he pulled me outside

"Shes not suppose to do it this early" Sam said coming around from behind the house, I am not suppose to do what this early? What is wrong with me!? "All of you back up now" Sam ordered as I shook harder and harder if thats even possible

"You can blame probably can blame Paul for that he was in there pissing her off" Embry said as if it happens everyday, Which for me it haves. And suddenly I felt like I exploded "Interesting colors she haves" Embry said walking over to me, Colors? whaaat? "Welcome to being a wolf" He added patting my head, Wait did he say welcome to being a wolf? I glanced down and saw two giant black paws where my feet should be

'Whoa how did this happen? This shouldn't be possible!" I said or thought I cant really tell which, because no sound came out. I looked around briefly to see a pitch black animal, Up close I could tell it was a wolf. Don't ask me how but I also could tell it was Sam, And that he was the alpha I don't know how I how that either

'Mikayla have you heard the stories of our tribe?"A voice in my head said, Weird the voice sounds kinda like Sam  alot like Sam..  'Mikayla it is Sam,  The pack and hear each others thoughts thats how we communicate when we are in our wolf form' The voice claiming to be Sam said err Thought?

'This shit is crazy! And I heard the story like once when I was ten which was five years ago so I wont remember every single detail' I thought a little big confused still, I mean wouldn't you be if all of a sudden you turned in to a giant wolf?

'Now heres the thing Mikayla,, Your going to need some training that means no school during that period" Voice Sam began,  No school? Heck yeah! 'And, You have to stay away from Jacob  as much as possible' He finished after a moment,  Stay away from Jacob. Why does that seem like it would be harder then it sounds?I let out a small sigh and some one changed back in to human

"How did I manage to that?"I muttered under my breath "Soo, When exactly do I have to start training?" I asked to keep my mind from drifting to the thought of  not being able to see Jacob for a while, I don't even know why I care. I didn't care earlier..

"Tomorrow" Sam said simply "Today we are going cliff diving, We were already planning to and then you phased" He added,  Cliff diving sweet! Apparently the expression  on my face changed or something cause Paul and Embry started snickering. I cant be excited about something cant I?

"Okay whos going first?" I Asked as I peaked over the cliffs at the black water with a huge grin on my face, Sam wanted to tell me some of the basics of being a wolf before we came here. So far it seems awesome, Being part animal part human and being the Alpha's sister haves some perks to like according to Sam if hes not around  and something needs to be done I am in charge. So I guess that makes me beta? I looked behind me to see Paul making a pushing motion towards Jared, I nodded with a smirk on my face "Why don't you go first Jared?" I suggested trying to seem as casual as possible

"Nah I'm good" Jared said shrugging slightly, In one swift motion both me an Paul were struggling to push Jared "Hey!" Jared said laughing trying to keep away from the edge,  Not much later me and Paul finally pushed him off the cliff towards the water. Lucky for us he was laughing the whole time. I looked over at the street that could barely be seen down below and saw two people watching us, Probably thinking we are idiots for doing this. But we aren't the ones driving a crappy looking orange pickup truck

"Nice one Paul" I shouted as he flipped off the cliff towards the water "My turn" I said after a moment when I knew Paul was out of the way there was no way he'd let me live it down if I jumped in right after him, No chance. I Took several steps back and held my breath as I ran towards the cliff diving in head first,For what seemed like five seconds you could feel the air around your body as you go down pretty awesome feeling. I felt a slight sting to my skin as I went under water  kinda what I expect , I quickly swam over to shore once my head came back above water. This is so something I will be doing often

"I Take it you liked it?" Paul asked walked over to me, Why cant he leave me alone? He haves done nothing but annoy me all damn day, He pissed me off yesterday  pretty much soon as I woke up.  I take it he  haves nothing better to do then mess with me

"I take it your stupid?" I asked rolling my eyes and stopped for a moment "Why are we the way we are? I mean like wolves, Sam said I wasn't supposed to be one for awhile" I asked Paul who looked surprised  and my sudden change in tone with him

"Vampires" Paul said as if it was a horrible thing to say "The people who carry the wolf gene usually turn around the age of twenty, Unless bloodsuckers around.  If one is even in the area the change starts and since the Cullens  Came back  more of us phased to quickly but there gone again and hopefully for good this time, They could of taken the leech lover though" He said  with disgust as he mentioned the word Cullens, So this is all Laurents fault.. Why the fuck would he do that?

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