Chapter eight

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I walked inside the school with Paul and Jared  on both of my sides, They had to force me inside which they found amusing "Find something else to stare at!" I snapped at someone who was staring at us like we were some weird  couple, Wellll Paul and Jared maybe "Okay now you can leave me now that you two forced me into this hell on earth called school" I said bitterly

"All in a days work Babe" Paul said smirking but immediately lost it when I sent him a death glare, Paul haves been acting different around me lately. Hes been calling me babe quite often and a few times hes been nice to me ever since I changed, I don't even get it.

"Whatever" I Said rolling my eyes before I walked off to Math with my left hand in my pocket tracing the smoke bomb I stashed in there before we left, No one knows that I even brought it to school. Sam doesn't even know I have smoke bombs

"Ah, Miss Uley! Glad your feeling better!" The Math teacher chirped when she saw me walk in, I Glanced over to see Jacob and some dude with curly hair staring at me. I watched as curly leaned over and whispered something to Jacob something about me being related to Sam Uley "Go on take a seat your just in time!" She added happily

"Whatever"I Said rolling my eyes and walked over to my seat with a smirk playing on my lips "Hope you like smoke" I whispered to Jacob as I sat down  across from him "Cause there will be alot" I Added quietly as I reached in my pockets with a mischievous smirk on my face

"Annnyywayyy class" Teach said brightly before continuing with the lesson, I looked around quickly only stopping on Jacob for a second just wanting to kiss him. What the hell am I saying why would I want that? I shook it off and pulled three brightly colored smoke bombs out of my pocket along with a lighter, I Quickly lit a green one and rolled it across the tile floor and watched it roll under the teachers desk followed by a orange one that stopped in the middle of the class room and one last one I rolled towards the back and smirked as it hit the wall. One by one the smoke bombs let out a thick fog of colorful smoke "Well thats strange, I had such a thing happen in my class room! What a surprise!" The teach said getting a faces full of smoke

"Is she always like this?" I asked Jacob  while trying not to cough, The smoke does not taste good at all "I'd thought she'd freak out" I Added trying not to breathe in anymore of the smoke,I let a frustrated sigh out when someone across the class room opened the window allowing the smoke to go out the window

"Far as I know yeah,I don't know if she does drugs or  if  shes just like that" Jacob said shrugging,I couldn't bring myself to look away from him.I kind of don't want to either "Mikayla you okay?" Jacob as finally noticing I was still looking at him

"No,I'm not" I said quickly getting up from my chair and quickly walked out of the class room slamming the door behind me  "I don't want Sam to be right about this" I Muttered sitting down by a locker not to far away from the class room, I truly wish that I had patrol today instead of Embry but noo I couldn't of gotten out of school that easy. I sighed and placed my face in my hands and shook my head slightly

"You okay?" The familiar husky voice asked without removing my hands I shook my head "Your really confusing Mikayla, One minute you hate me the next you like me then you hate me again. Why is that?" Jacob asked as something hit the locker behind me, I am guessing its his hand

"Its to complicated to explain" I said pushing myself off the ground "I am going to get back to class" I lied until he put both of his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back gently so I was against the lockers "What are you doing?"I Snapped only to have my anger melt away soon as it came

"I am not letting you go until you tell me why you act like this towards me" Jacob said still holding me against the lockers but I don't want you to let me go, Ugh stop it Mikayla don't do that! I bit down on my lip at looked him and then sighed

"I Hate you" I began as I watched Jacob's face fall quickly"..Because I like you so much,  Its just hard for me acepting these feelings since I never had them before" I Said quieting my voice, Did I really just tell him that? What is wrong with me?

"Is that true?" Jacob as seeming surprised, I sighed and nodded slowly "If that is true then why did you runaway when I told you I liked you on the beach yesterday?" Jacob asked still not letting me go, I am not surprised he asked that after all of this

"This is not the right place for me to tell you, Theres to many people here" I Said  looking around slightly, I looked back at Jacob and bit my lip a little to hard "And Jacob, Another thing"I began  while holding my breath, I was about to seem like a total idiot but I don't really care at the moment

"Yeah?" Jacob asked finally lowering his hands to his sides But I liked them there I mentally slapped myself at the thought, Don't deny it   you like it too It took all my strength not to tell myself to shut up at least not outloud that would just be weird

"Its kind of stupid but.." I started and looked at him "I like you alot,Are you going to kiss me or not?" I asked catching him by surprise, I cant believe I actually asked him that!  I felt his hands press against my shoulders once again pushing me a little harder against the lockers this time

"Since you asked" Jacob said softly before pressing his warm lips against mine sending a spark through my body, I shut my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Please don't let this be a dream like the one when I first met him.

"Dang, Jacob is getting it on in school" A familiar voice said that I know to well to belong to Jared, I Mentally cursed to myself as Jacob pulled away to see  who it was and in front of us was both Paul and Jared shocker there both together "With Mikayla?" Jared said in disbelief

"So you do like him" Paul said with a strange smirk, It almost looked forced. And if I didn't know any better I'd say Paul looks, Jealous "I am sure Sam would love this what do you think Jared?" Paul said in a threatening voice, What the hell is He doing?

"I agree Paul, Sam will love to hear that his little sister is kissing someone especially in school" Jared added in a less threatening tone, I pushed myself from Jacob as anger boiled in my veins and punched Paul in the face and Jared in the stomach. I shook my head and turned around and walked to my next class leaving the three boys standing there

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