Boys At War

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Chapter 1 Part 1

Preparing For War

In a vast and powerful kingdom thier lived King Lonther. His wife Queen Sadi and his four chldren. Two of witch were girls and two who were boys.  The oldest was is a 18 year old boy named Johnathen Kurflan. The second oldest is 17 year old boy named Davis Kurflan. The oldest twin was a 13 year old girl named Sadie Kuflan. The youngest twin is a 13 year old girl named Rosana Kurflan.

"Today is the day we will concor Lxtronee!" The king anounces. As the king was preparing his hourse Johnathen and Davis came up to him and Davis asked"Father." "What is it thy little one?" He respones. "How long are ye going to be gone?" "A little over four days." 

The king did not know it but Johnathen and Davis were going to war with thier father.Johnathen and Davis had trained in secret for monthes and now they are going to go with the army to fight.For thier birthdays thier dad had gotten them a sword.Jonathen had his birthday  on the 15th of May. Davis had his birthday on the 12th of June.Today is the 21st of June.Johnathen alwso got a bow and arrow.

Johnathen and Davis had become great fighters over the past few months.If the king had known that they were going to war with him he would lock them in thier rooms.

When the king and his men marched out of Galohot the two boys followed. Close enough to hear orders from the rear captain but far enough away that the army would not see them. "Come on Lxtronee is only 10 miles away. We will stop for rest every 2 miles. Althou a mile took them 20 minutes they stoped for a rest every 40 minutes.While at thier first break Johnathen and Davis Sat on a narrow log and Johnathen said to Davis"I will make sure you do not get hurt." "It's ok Johnathen." Davis said "No body will hurt me. Remeber we only came to observe. But if they need help we shall help."When they heard the army march again they packed up thier food and started along the side of the road. Davis was really exited.

"Hault!" The king said.Thier standing in front of them was the city of Lxtronee.And in front of Lxtronee was probly a thousand Lxtronee warriors. The Great Nation of Galohot had 1500 warriors.

When Johnathen saw this he pointed."Davis mabye we should hide in the under grouth were no one will see us." "Good idea Johnathen." The two boys marched deeper in the undergrouth. When the two boys were in a safe spot they took out some food two eat.The boys were in the top of a tall tree. Johnathen had tought Davis how to make arrows and how to shoot a bow.

Thier hidiing spot was almost impossible to get to and hard to see.Also they had a perfect view of the fight and could shoot arrows without geetin noticed by ty enemy.

Johnathen had made a bow for Davis so they both had an air weapon and a ground weapon.All of a sudden the two boys heard"Charge!!!" And the battle started.


CHAPTER 1 Part 2 


The boys saw arrows fly from the castle but our warriors made a wall of thy shields.The arrows had not struck one Galohot warrior. Johnathen had seen somthing Davis had not arrows coming from the forest. Because of that he told Davis to wisper. Johnathen took of his bow and took and arrow from his sling and aimed it at a Lxtronee arrior in the back so it would not acedentilly hid one of our soldiords. He let go of the arrow and it whooshed in the air and hit a Lxtrone warrior in the shoulder blade."Yes!" Wisperd Johnathen and he did a fist pump.

"Hay! Come down from that tree with your hands were I can see them!" Johnathen and Davis got really scared."Now!" Yelled the warrior that was down thier. They climb down the tree and looked at the warrior. By plain luck it was the kings right hand man General Lonced. "Who are you?" "We are the kings two sons." The boys had masks on. So they took of thier mask. "Oh you are the kings sons!" Said General Lonced.General Lonced had a bow and arrow ready to shoot."Quite lad." General Lonced instructed.

Johnathen heard a rustle in the bushes and took off his bow and notched an arrow. Davis did the same. Then all of a sudden a deep voice commanded "Put down your weapons and put your hands were I can see them." A group of  Lextronee warriors had sorronded them. There were probily about 6 or 7 in the thy group. They all had swords. They were about 50 feet away. "Now!" I yelled and shot my arrow. The others got the idea and shot too. We took out 5 of the 7 warriors but the other 2 were about 10 feet away. I shot the closest one and he fell dead the other one knocked out Davis and General Lonced. I felt a sharp pain in my stomic as I fel to the ground. Thats all I rememberd.



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