So a while ago this girl sent me a message of her book and I thought I'd check it out. It was entirely in Spanish and I can read a bit of Spanish because of my parents and through chapter one I like was like shit...this is some other level kind of shit so I commented “Wish I would have listened in my Spanish class" and then this girl comments “gringas pelotudas" first of all....idk what the second word means so...and then all these other girls got offended and it really pissed me off because I didn't say anything bad. I commented back and said “idk why people get so angry over this comment.. find your chill" and of course the girl keeps dragging the situation and ugh so annoying. I wanted to say “I'm just going to ignore your annoying ass now, oh and BTW I'm actually Hispanic so get your shit right :) since she called me gringa but I didn't want to add onto the 6 replies I got back.
random question: anyone live in NY?! lol sorry if that sounds creepy..
shit I'm stressing over: Chemistry :'(
Hope you've all had a great day!