Chapter 1: a very confused kageyama

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Hey again guys, here's a new Haikyuu! fanfiction for the ship Kagehina or Kageyama x Hinata. I have wayyy too many stories that I'm writing at the same time kms. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

"I'm home."

Kageyama Tobio said as he walked through his front door after a tiring day of Volleyball practice at the club.

"Welcome home dear." His mother said, walking in and wiping her hands on a dishtowel, "Dinner will be ready soon."

Kageyama nodded and walked up to his room.

He dropped his bag on the floor and collapsed on his bed, thinking about practice.

That idiot Hinata needs to practice his receives, they're getting worse by the day.

Kageyama put a hand over his eyes.

How tiring.

"Tobio, Dinner!" His mother's voice sounded from downstairs.


"So how has practice been lately?"

Kageyama leaned back in his chair and thought about how to answer his mother's question.

"It's been good, everyone's working really hard in preparation for the upcoming tournament. Well, everyone seems to be making progress except Hinata, honestly it seems like that idiot practices twice as hard as everyone else but he's not getting any better whatsoever-"

Kageyama ranted slightly to his mother for a few minutes about how idiotic Hinata and his terrible receives were.

His mother only laughed slightly and said, "It seems like you've made so many friends Tobio! And you'll have to invite this Hinata over sometime, he seems rather special." She finished with a wink.

Kageyama just looked at her in confusion.

What's so special about Hinata that my mother has to meet him?

He wondered, then shrugged it off and excused himself from the table.

Now back in his room, Kageyama thought about his mother's words.

"He seems rather special." What does that mean?

He let his thoughts trail over to Hinata.

As soon as the dumb shrimp popped in his head, he got that familiar warm, tingly feeling he always seemed to get when thinking of Hinata.

He couldn't exactly figure out why it only happened when he thought of his annoying teammate, but he didn't really liked the feeling and hoped that it would go away soon. It had been happening for about a week now. It would be troublesome if it got in the way of his practice.

Kageyama sighed and fell back on his bed, closing his eyes.

well, I'll think about it more tomorrow.

~Time skip~


Kageyama's mouth stretched in a huge yawn as he approached the gym the following morning for morning practice.

I'm running late today.

He thought absentmidedly, while trying to keep his eyes open.

He wasn't usually this drowsy in the morning, it was just that last night he had tossed and turned while thinking about his mother's comment and when he had woken up, it was far later in the morning than it should have been.


Yet another yawn escaped his lips as he walked up to the front door of the gym, almost running over the small boy in front of him.

(Kagehina/Hinakage) Spike (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now