Chapter 15: Zabu-sensei and Haku-sensei

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  I had to quickly unsheathe Kukoryu to defend against Zabuza's giant executioner. I pushed him back with so much force he flew into a tree. Me and Naruto ran towards Zabu-sensei only to be blocked by Mr. pirate's arm. "Stay backs guys. He's on a whole other level." 

*End recap*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yami p.o.v

I stared at Mr. pir- wait he does not deserve to be called that any more. I shall call him Bakashi. Anyway, I stared at Bakashi with an 'are you serious' face. I mean I was taught by Zabu-sensei. I know all of his moves and yet he expects me to sit here while he fights?! Nu-uh! Oh no you didn't! "What are you doing! I told you to stay back! Yami!" Bakashi yelled at me as I walked forward. I glanced back at him uncaring. I looked back to Zabu-sensei. He smirked at me. "Better sit this one out kid. Leave all the fighting to the adults. I got an irk mark and stomped my foot childishly. "FINE! DON'T COME CRYING TO ME IF YOU GET TRAPPED IN HIS JUTSU BAKASHI AND I WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED IF "SOMEONE" NOT SAYING WHO HAD TO COME AND SAVE YOUR BUTT ZABU-SENSEI!"

Bakashi and everyone else sweat dropped at me before Bakahshi lifted his headband to reveal.... A baby unicorn! Nah, it was the sharingan. Woohoo... (Note:Lots and lots of sarcasm in dat one!) As whiskers, bubblegum and ducky were talking about the sharingan I stared right into it. Kakashi looked at me and my eyes flashed pitch black for a second before changing into a bright glowing purple. Kakashi gave me a weird look and I got angry again. I poked my tounge out at him and I stomped back to the rest of the group mumbling about the two idiots.

I angrily stood behind Tazuna and took a fighting stance as Zabu-sensei fought with Bakashi and ended up on the lake. Mist started getting thicker so I rolled my eyes and closed them. I don't need to see my opponent to know they are there. My super wolf ears come in handy a lot more than you would think.  My ears twitched again and again as it searched for any kind of noises in the mist. 

My ears picked up on some sound next to me. My eyes dilated as I scanned the mist looking for the source of the sound. My eyes narrowed as  spotted the duckbutt, with a kunai, aimed at himself. I grabbed his hand and his head shot towards me. I could feel his pulse. It was beating wildly. "You know, The kunai is supposed to be pointed towards your enemy. If you try to stab yourself some one will stop you." I pointed his kunai out towards the invading mist. He looked at me for a second more than I had liked before focusing on Bakashi who started talking. "Don't worry guys, I will protect you all, even if it costs me my life." Sasuke calmed down before focusing the enemy. 

I rolled my eyes. Dramatic much? I waited for any sounds. There! I jumped in front of the old man and pushed him out of the way just as Zabu-sensei appeared in front of him. Bakashi jumped in and plunged a kunai deep in Zabu-sensei's stomach. Instead of blood water came out. Everyone gasped while I smirked. Water. Typical of Zabu-sensei. Another Zabu-sensei came out from the mist behind Bakashi and sliced Bakashi in half. Another water clone. The real Bakashi appeared and held a kunai to Zabu-sensei's neck. Hmmm? That's not Zabu-sensei. The real Zabu-sensei was behind Bakashi and swung his sword at him just as  Bakashi dodged it. 

Ok since this is pretty boring I decided to take a nap under a tree. I was dreaming of rainbows and sunshine and unicorns and ninja froggies when I got a really nice wake up call. Man, that was the first sleep I've had in I dunno maybe four, five months. I was woken up by a torrent of water hitting me square in the face. I gasped and jumped into the trees.

I felt a familiar presence behind me and turned to see Haku-sensei right in front of my face. Of course he just had to have his mask on. When I traveled with them he would always try and scare me with his mask. He may act all nice and that but he can be a bit of a joker. I took his mask off his face and waved at him. He returned with a smile. "Hey Yami, What are you doing here?" I pointed to my team that was currently standing around. Haku-sensei smiled again. "Hey Yami, do you want to come hang out with us for a bit?" I grinned but then stopped. "I would love to but how am I gonna get away from my team?" Haku-sensei just smiled at me and put his mask back on. "I have an idea. I will knock you out and take you with us while I take Zabuza-sama."  I fist pumped quietly. "Yess that'll work perfectly...Wait what! Why do you have to knock me-" I was cut off by Haku-sensei punching me in the gut and sticking 2 senbon in my neck. My vision blurred. "Haku-sensei, that was mean." I blacked out.


Hey guys sorry this is so short I tried to make this as long as I could but I got lazy. So yeah....

Bye guys 




Peace out!!






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Okay I'll say bye guys for real now.

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