Lucy x Leon Part 1

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A/N: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my goldfish, Turtle. He just passed away because I accidentally knocked over his fish tank. He'll forever be in our hearts. Now I'd like to take this time to have a moment of silence to remember Turtle even if you don't know him.

*R.I.P Turtle Oct. 1 2014- Oct. 7 2015*

Leon POV

"HOW COULD YOU!?" I hear someone yell behind me and slam my locker shut. I turn around to find Amber, Ginger, Valerie, and Lauren all looking pissed. For what? "Huh?" I mutter. "Dude, you seriously don't know what you did!?" Amber yells. Hmmm. Did I do something? Nah. "I have no clue." and it's true, I don't know what I did. This time Ginger speaks. "IDIOT!! I was there! The other day me, Garrett, and Lucy saw you flirting with some girl! 'You know heart-broken she is? You guys were practically dating!" As soon as she said idiot, I felt a burst of anger just waiting to come out. How dare she call me an idiot? I'm freaking amazing, I mean just look at me. I got abs, a gorgeous tan, a rockin' body, and my hair is perfect! "Okay, first off, don't you DARE call me an idiot. I'm smexy thank you very much." I growl. "Second, me and Lucy weren't dating, we were just flirting. That's it." I clarify. As soon as I said that, Amber punched me in the face and everything went black.

Amber POV

He deserved it. I thought to myself. Now don't get me wrong, I did not do this for her. You know my opposite. I merely just did it because his face was annoying. That, and I just felt like it. "OH MY GLOB AMBER! WHAT THE FLUCK DID YOU JUST DO!?" Lauren yells. "I punched him duh." I reply. "So umm, we should probaly hide him before someone sees." Ginger points out. Right now we're in the middle of the school hallways."WHAT!? We can't just hide him! He's NOT dead!" Valerie says. "Actually that's not a bad Idea! Any ideas?" I ask. "How about we call up my Uncle Lenny!" Ginger says. "Uh isn't your uncle in prison for murder?" Lauren asks. "Yeah, but he just broke out yesterday." Broke out? My type of person. "That's a great idea!" I shout. "Amber! Shhh!" Valerie hisses. I stick my tongue out at her. "I couldn't help but hear the little situation you guy's have right now." Some random voice says. "Seems to me that you could use some help. That is if your willing to pay". "OMG! Who said that!?" Lauren asks while looking like some scared kid on Halloween. "Let me take a look around." I say. I take a good look around and I see no one but I did come across a piece of paper that has phone number on it. Weird.

Valerie POV

I'm surrounded by fools. I mean their acting almost as if Leon is dead or some thing, but he's not."Hey guy's!" Amber whisper- yells while holding up a peice of paper. "What?" I ask. "You know how there was that mysterious voice?" Amber asks. "Yeah." "Well, I tried to find the person but instead, I think they left this! It's a phone number." Amber explains. "Well what are we waiting for?" Lauren says pulling out the phone in her pocket. "Don't you think that's a bit unsafe?" I ask. "I mean what if it's some creep or something?" "Nah." Ginger says. Amber then hands over the phone number. Lauren punches the number and we wait for someone to pick it up. No answer. This is frustrating.

Leon POV

I wake up to find myself laying on to what appears to be the school floors and bunch of hot teenage girls surrounded by me. I'm not complaining, despite the fact that my face feels like it got ran over by a motorcycle or something, being surounded by hot girls is pretty awesome. "Guy's! I think he's awake!" someone says. "What!? He can't know! Punch him Amber!" someone else whispers loudly. Wait. Amber? That sounds familiar......Oh, I know who it is. Amber is my pet goldfish. But wait, I knocked over Ambers fishtank and killed her...Who's this Amber chick and why is some girl telling her to punch me in the face again? Again?

Lucy POV

"I don't know, I guess I've just been out of it lately." I say laying on the couch in the office. "Hmmm. I see. Well, I recommend you go out for icecream and take your little sister Liv with you!" says Liv talking like she's professional. Right now I'm playing 'therapist' with my little sister. "I like the idea!" I say smiling for the first time since him. "Yazeez!!!! I'll grab your keys!" she yells excitedly. "No need to." I say holding up the keys to my car. For once, I'm not so worried about my relationship with him.

A/N: Sorry it took me forever to update, I've just been upset about Turtle. Anyways next chapter, the girls will be shopping for prom dresses so comment if you have idea of what they should wear if you already haven't. ALL the female character's will be in the next chapter so need to worry. So, who do YOU think is the mysterious voice imand why (it's pretty obvi just saying)? Does Leon have amnesia? Why did he name his goldfish Amber? Wanna know what happens next? Well you have to VOTE to find out!

P.S. Benny still needs to be adopted! If you don't know who Benny is then check the comments in the previous chapter!

I'm done now.

Lauren POV

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