Chapter 9: The Rage-Filled Zayn

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A/N: Update for Wingman, yaaay! I changed Waliyha to Doniya, cause Waliyha is only 15 which is really young lool. Anyway, this chapter is kind of if-y with me, hope you like it though :).

Enjoy x.

Zayn examines himself in his bathroom mirror and can't help but notice his red-rimmed eyes from the lack of sleep, his disheveled hair from just waking up, and... Holy crap, is that a black eye?

He touches his eye and hisses at the pain from the contact; it's practically swallowed up his whole eye. He looks like a freaking—

"Whoa, didn't know we had raccoons," Liam says, finishing his thought as he reaches around Zayn and grabs his toothbrush.

Zayn ignores him and heads to his room, while Liam shouts 'it's just a joke!' from behind. He shuts his door quietly and throws on his clothes, getting ready for work. For the first time in his life, he really doesn't feel like dealing with Liam, not after staying awake until early in the morning due to being forced to listen to Liam's soft cries through the thin walls, a sound he can't bear, let alone fall asleep to. There's also his bruised eye, which was also caused by Liam and his inability to get over Sophia. Something inside of him tells him he doesn't want to deal with Liam due to the fact that he has yet to get over Sophia, but for now, he'll focus on the little things.

So, he heads out without so much as a goodbye, and he pretends he doesn't notice, out of the corner of his eye, Liam looking at him solemnly as he exits their apartment.

He sees his boss, Seth, and Louis chatting by the register before they see him; they seem to be in a heated discussion, as his boss disciplines Louis. The hell did Louis do this time?

Louis notices him first, which then causes his boss to turn around and set his eyes on Zayn, his frown turning into a scowl.

Oh, shit, what did he do this time?

"Oi, Zayn, so nice of you to join us," Seth begins, "Or are you planning on leaving mid-shift today as well?"


"I thought Louis told you—"

"Yeah, 'family emergency', but you and I both know that's not true. I've been working with you for a while now, Zayn, don't try to pull those shit excuses on me." He takes a moment to examine Zayn before his eyes set on Zayn's black-eye; he furrows his eyebrows. "I have a feeling that black-eye only seems to prove my point."

Zayn sighs and shuts his eyes in embarrassment, no use in lying now. He's ready to receive a lecture, but Seth merely nods his head and begins speaking in a calm voice, "You know better than this. I have no choice but to suspend you for three weeks, no pay."

Louis gasps, and Zayn's eyes widen at the punishment. Something Seth's never even given Louis for his countless acts of recklessness. "B-But Seth!" Zayn protests; he's been saving up to go to university in the fall and finish a few classes in order to finally get his degree in business. He needs that money.

"Or would you rather I fire you, Mr. Malik?" Seth replies, narrowing his eyes at Zayn.

Zayn finally gives in and hangs his head in defeat. "No, sir," he mutters.

"Good. See you in twenty-one days, Malik." His boss motions towards the exit, forcing Zayn to leave.

Zayn bites his lip to fight back tears before storming out of the store, leaving a speechless Louis. He runs into Niall as soon as he turns a corner, no doubt Niall going to visit him. He tries to push passed him, but Niall's quick to grab his arm and stop him.

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