Chapter 22: The Past

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a/n: hellooo! Sorry it's been so long since Ive updated haha! I lost material for the future of this fic when my phone broke, so that kind of put me in place where I didn't wanna write. And since it's been so long since ive written, im not entirely confident in my writing now. Also life happened and I ran into a bit of a rough patch when my uncle passed away.

Most of this chapter takes place in the past, so I apologize if the switching of tenses confuses you!

Enjoy x <33

Niall never liked Sophia.

From the moment he approached her as she watched his every movement, her brown eyes examining him as if she were trying to read his thoughts and emotions, staring deep into his very core. All it took was one bone-crushing hug and a sickly sweet smile for Niall to pull Liam aside, attempting to convince Liam to leave her.

But Liam never listened to him.

Not in primary school when Liam barged into class soaked with rain, after Niall had specifically reminded him to bring an umbrella.

Not in secondary school when Liam ran home crying, coated in paint and feathers caused by a group of bullies Niall warned him not to try to befriend.

And certainly not now as Liam scolds him because how dare he say something about a woman so beautiful and kind, a woman he hasn't even given a chance to know.

And not a day would go by where Niall wouldn't plead with Liam to find someone better, but Sophia knew, she knew of Niall's resentment towards her. And whenever she saw Liam showing doubt as Niall's words rang through his head, she'd meet him the very next day with breakfast in bed or a surprise road trip to get him away from Niall. Sophia was smart and knew just how to get Liam wrapped around her finger all over again after Niall's failed attempts at prying him away.

Niall hated being right when it came to Liam. A couple of weeks into Liam and Sophia's relationship, he saw her all over a man he'd come to find out was named Andy. Niall and Sophia locked eyes, and Sophia hung her head low in defeat, as if they were in some competition over Liam and Niall just drew the winning card.

So the next day Niall came over, movies and snacks in hand, ready to comfort his long-time friend once he told him the truth, but when he stepped inside, he was met with an empty apartment. A note on the fridge read "Sophia and I are going on a trip. Won't be here the whole weekend. Fridge just filled, so eat whatever you want! –Liam". He didn't think too much of it at first; Sophia was only prolonging the inevitable. Thinking back on it now, maybe he should've just texted the news to Liam, instead of assuming it was something to be told face-to-face. I'll tell him when he comes back, he thought.

But then he met Zayn.

To: Li :)

ya back yet?

From: Li :)

jus walked in ! come over !!!

A sort of sad smile made its way onto Niall's face; he was happy to see his old friend again, but he knew how hard Liam would take the devastating news of Sophia's infidelity. His fingers were quick as they began to type 'see ya soon', but his body crashed into something else, causing him to lose his grip on his cellphone.

Upon looking down in search of his phone, he realized he hadn't crashed into something, but rather someone. A man, with raven-colored hair, sat on the floor in front of Niall, rubbing his head and reaching over to grab Niall's phone. "Shit," Niall cursed. He reached down to help the man he had essentially knocked over, and just as an apology was at the tip of his tongue, he gasped as the beautiful man looked up and peered at him with piercing hazel-eyes. "Hi," he blurted out.

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