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This story was requested by @onerforlife. Thanks for requesting! I hope it doesn't suck.

My boyfriend, Henry, had invited me over to hang out for the day while his moms were out and about doing who knows what. 

"Hey (Y/N), want to go play video games in my room"? I smile. 

"Race you there!" I scream, starting to run to his room

"Hey! No fair" he says chasing after me. I get there first, and lay on his bed, while he races in. 

"Thats" he says, catching his breath, "was not fair". I just laugh.

"What are you going to do about it? Huh?" He just grins and pins me down. 

"This," he says smirking as he starts to tickle me. I laugh and try to squirm away, but I don't get anywhere. I keep trying to squirm away, laughing the whole time when Henry just stops.
I sit panting hard, trying to get air into my lungs, when Henry leans down to kiss me. I kiss back, when he sits up and pulls me into his lap, all the while still making out with me. 

Just then Henry's bedroom door opens, and we hear a small shriek, and look to see Regina there, fuming. Henry gulps. "H-Hi mom" he stutters out.

She's fuming. I'm scared, when all of a sudden she calms down. 

"Henry, (Y/N), may I talk to you too out in the living room? We both get up and follow her out, to scared to do anything else. She smiles. "Have a seat" as she motions to the couch.We both sit, curious. She summons (with magic) a white board and a marker. She smiles. 

"Well I think it's time we talked about the birds and the bees".
My and Henry look at each other and groan. It's going to be a long and awkward day.

So how was it? Sorry I'm no good at writing make out scenes. Well I hope you enjoyed!

Jared Gilmore/Henry Mills ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now