My Hero

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**(Y/N)'s POV**

My phone dings, signaling I have a text, and I rush to check it. Oh. It's just Johnny, my ex-boyfriend. I'm not in the mood to put up with him. I recently got into a big argument with my best friend Henry and I was hoping the text was from him. The argument, was over Johnny actually. Henry doesn't like him, he's set on the idea that Johnny is a bad kid. Henry just doesn't see him as I do. He's a sweet guy under the "bad boy" reputation he has.


"I don't see why you like him (Y/N) he's a bad person" Henry shouts, now getting angry. 

"You don't see him the way I do Henry! He's an amazing guy! He just has a reputation!" I shout back, just as angry. He's my boyfriend, I have to defend him. 

"You don't understand, he could hurt you! I don't like him! And I don't want you with him!" He shouts. 

"That's not your choice! I love him and nothing is going to change that!" 

"Yeah you might love him, but what happens when he leaves you for someone better? What happens if he hurts you!" He shouts. 

"He wouldn't hurt me! I know him. He would never even think about it!" 

"Yeah that's what everyone says! What about that time you caught him cheating!" He shouts. Then I remember, I had caught him making out with (Girl you hate name) at a party. 

"He told me she kissed him! He wasn't cheating!" I shout, now on the verge of tears. "I can't believe you, Henry! You should be happy for me! I finally found someone! Why do you hate him!" He mumbles something under his breath. "What was that I couldn't hear you".  

He speaks up "Well, (Y/N), it's either me or him! Who will it be?" He shouts.
I freeze.

 "Wait your actually going to make me choose?!" I stare straight into his eyes, crying. "F*** you. My bestfriend wouldn't make me chose" and with those words, I walk out of his house, and into the late night.

*Back to present time*

I shouldn't have left. Once I did, I caught Johnny cheating. He was making out with (Girl you hate name) on my living room couch. Yeah I know. Henry was right. I've tried calling him. I've tried texting him. He's avoiding me, and I  miss him.

As I'm lying on the couch, eating gummy bears and watching Supernatural, there is a knock on my door. I go and open it, to see Johnny.

*Henry's POV*

I know. I screwed up, big time. So after a week of thinking it over, and avoiding all signs of life, and her, I decide to go visit (Y/N). I stop by a flower shop and get her some (F/F) (favorite flower). I get to her house to see Jonny there, and he has a bouquet of (LF/F) (Least Favorite Flowers). I chuckle silently. He doesn't know her at all. She keeps trying to shut the door, but he has his foot in the way, stopping her. When I get close enough to hear what's happening i stop.

"I can't believe you! You were making out on MY couch with (Girl you hate name) while I was out. I can't believe you!" (Y/N) yells.
"Babe I promise, she kissed me! And how do I know you were not cheating on me with that boy, Henry!" He yells back! Then he does the unthinkable. He goes and slaps (Y/N).

*(Y/N) POV*

He-He hit me. I just stand there in shock, not having the ability to face the reality of the situation, , when something, no someone, launches themselves at Johnny, beating him senseless. Then I realize 

"Henry?" I ask. But Henry doesn't stop until I have to pull him off. (*Kisses muscles* yeah I'm pretty strong). "Henry! What was that! Why are you here! I thought you hated me!" I'm shouting and crying. He just hugs me 

"Are you okay? I came to apologize and saw him hit you, and I-I couldn't just sit there. So I um. I um beat him up." After calling the cops and having them take Johnny away, for a public attack, I pull Henry into my house. Thank goodness my mom was out for the weekend. 

"Here have a seat." Apparently Henry did have a couple scratches on this face in the end. So I pull out my first aid kid and start cleaning them up. He pulls out a bouquet of (F/F), a little wrinkled, but still beautiful. 

"Here I got these for you" I gasp. 

"Oh thank you Henry! They're beautiful." I go fill up a vase with some water and put the flowers in the vase and set it on the table. Then I go and sit back down. "So why did you come back here Henry?" I ask. He sighs

"I came to apologize. I shouldn't have made you choose. I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me." He says, looking down. I smile 

"Of course Henry, your my best friend, how could I not forgive you." I smile and hug him. He instantly hugs back. 

"Can- can I try something?" He asks. I just nod. Then he presses his lips against mine. It feels foreign, compared to Johnny's forceful, lust filled ones, this one is filled with love, and very soft, like he's afraid to break me. We finally break apart for air. "Now I know now isn't a good time, but I would like to know if you'd be my girlfriend?" Henry asks.
I just laugh 

"Yes you goofball. Took you long enough." He just laughs. 

"Love you (Y/N)." 

"Love you too Henry"


Edited (6/03/17) 

Jared Gilmore/Henry Mills ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now