Chapter 1.

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 Avery's P.O.V


 I jumped as my best friend barged into my room. "GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Why?" I asked. "Because, today I'm taking you out" She said pulling my covers off. I groaned. "Where?" I asked, sitting up. She shrugged. "Anywhere, and you spending the night at my house" She said. I nodded getting up. "Did you already talk to my mom, you know how she is.." I trailed off. Julie nodded. I found and outfit and put it on. It was a black tank top, with a blue button up shirt that faded into white, with some regular skinny jeans and sneakers. I slipped my hair into a high ponytail and applied a little bit of makeup before walking out of the bathroom. I grabbed my phone off of my bed side table and my bag, slipping it over my head and slipped my wallet and phone into it. Me and Julie walked down stairs. I saw my mom watching the news. "Morning sweety" She greeted. I smiled. "Morning mom, I'll be back later then I'm going to Julie's. Love you" i said before walking out the door behind Julie. We got into her car and drove to the mall. We got out and I saw teenage girls everywhere wearing One Direction shirts. Julie was a fan of them, I liked their music. We walked inside. "So, where to first?" Julie asked. I shrugged. "I'm hungry, so mcdonalds?" I asked. She nodded and we walked to the indoor McDonalds. I ordered a big mac and large fries with a medium coke. and she ordered chicken nuggets with a large fries and a smoothie. We talked while we ate. "So, how did your appointment yesterday go?" She asked. I smiled. "It went great actually. The doctors said that the tumour is slowly dissapearing and that I just need one more opperation in a month and if it goes well. I'll be good" I answered. Incase your wondering, I have cancer. But luckily my hair doesn't fall out. I have a tumour though. It doesn't bother me that much, but I can die from it. My dad died from it. I heard Julie let out a little squeal. "Oh my gosh! One Direction is sitting right there" She said looking behind me. I turned around, and saw 5 boys sitting two tables away from us. I quickly turned back around. "Please don't fangirl" I muttered, She rolled her eyes at me. "Oh shush! They are perfect. I mean look at Niall. He's so adorable. Oh my gosh! They are looking over here. Holy shit. Niall's coming over" She whispered. I looked up as someone approaced our table. It was the blonde one, Niall. He was kinda adorable. He smiled at us. "Hi, uh my friends over there were wondering if you girls know where the Raincut studio is?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck. I smiled. "Uhm yeah," i said and gave him directions. He stood there for a minute. "I totally just forgot what you said" He said letting out a little laugh. I giggled. "We can show you if you want us to" Julie pirked up. he smiled. "Thanks, that will be great. We still have 2 hours. Would you guys like to hang with us?" He asked. I looked at Julie and she nodded. "Uh sure" I said. "Great." He said. We dumped our food and walked over with him to their table where they were just finishing up. "Oh uh boys this is...." Niall trailed off looking at us. "I'm Julie and this is Avery" Julie said. They smiled. "I'm Liam, this is Zayn, Louis, and Harry" One said. We smiled. "So. uh they are going to hang with us then show us how to get to the studio" Niall said. The boys nodded. We walked around until we got to Julie's favorite shop for bikinis. She looked at me. "Please come in, it wont be that bad." She pleaded. I shook my head. "No. I'm not getting a bikini" I said. She groaned. "Fine then" She said walking inside. "Why won't you go inside?" Harry asked. I shrugged. "I don't really like my body" I muttered looking down. "why not? your fit" Louis said. I smiled slightly at him. "I don't know. I never have." I answered. Julie came out minutes later with a bag. and we shopped some more. I heard some clicks and people shouting. "I found them!". The boys all let out a groan. "I hope you two can run" Louis said. My eyes widened and so did Julie's. Seconds later, fan and paps were surrounding us. I felt someone grab my hand and pull me through the crowd to the  car. We drove to the studio and walked inside. "Where have you guys been?" A man asked. "Paps" Liam answered. The man nodded and looked at me and Julie. "Oh, this is Julie and Avery" Zayn said. Paul smiled. and we went to the recording booth. They sung and they were really good, when they were done we talked for a while before we had to leave. "We have fun today" Julie said, I nodded. "That's great. Maybe we can do it again sometime" Niall said. We smiled and we all traded numbers before we left. We got my stuff then went to her house. She jumped on her bed and let out a small squeal. "WE JUST SPENT THE DAY WITH ONE DIRECTION AND GOT THEIR NUMBERS" She squealed. I laughed. We heard footsteps and her sister barged into the room. "YOU GUSY ARE ON T.V" She yelled before running out of the room. Julie looked at me before running after her. We plopped down on the couch, and looked at the t.v. "Does members of One Direction have new girlfriends?" The lady asked. "The boys where spotted with two new girls today. Harry Styles, the flirt of the group holding on of their hands" She said, picture of me and Harry running out of the mall holding hands with paps behind us popped up on the screen. I slightly smiled and my phone buzzed. 

From: Curly. ; Hey love xx

I smiled and replied a hi. He replied seconds later. 

From: Curly. ; Are you watching the celebrity news?

I replied yes and a moment later he called me. I answered. "Hello" I greeted. "Hi, sorry. I didn't feel like texting" He said. I laughed standing up and walking upstairs. "It's fine" I assured him. "So, would you like to hang out tomorrow? Just me and you?" He asked. I smiled. "Sure." I answered. We talked for hours and hours until I fell asleep. Little did I know that that was the start of an amazing friendship and more.


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