Glass Shards

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Craig woke up and checked the time. He sat up relieved that he didn't have to go to school.

He got dressed and threw his shoes on and grabbed his car keys. Craig opened his front door, the chilly morning breeze hitting his exposed skin.

He unlocked his car and sat in the driver's seat. He turned on the car radio and turned it up as loud as he could. Craig drove the car over to Tweek's house to drive him to school.

After driving for a couple of minutes in the light snow, he finally reached the small coffee shop. He honked the horn twice. A small, shaking figure ran out the front door and sat in the passenger's seat. Craig turned down the radio and asked what was wrong.

"Th-the gnomes!" He almost shouted. Craig rubbed Tweek's back in attempt to calm him.

"It's ok, I'm here now," the raven haired boy replied in a soothing voice. He reached over and properly buttoned the blonde's shirt. Tweek nodded and blushed in response.

The ride to school was quiet except for the radio and the windshield wipers clearing Craig's view of the road. They finally reached the high school and Tweek exited the car.

The raven haired boy didn't have anywhere to go so he started aimlessly driving through town. A light snow dusted the windows but Craig wiped them away with the windshield wipers.

The clouds masked the pastel sunrise filled with blues and pinks. He kept driving for hours to pass the time like he usually does when he's sad or wants to disappear. He drove through the woods cloaked in mist. Craig got all the way to the outskirts of North Park before he had to turn back.

The lonely boy drove down the familiar isolated road back to his hometown. He tried to push all of his thoughts out of his head with music.

Unfortunately, thoughts about how lonely and empty he felt dominated the music. Stripe seemed to be his only friend other than Tweek.

The stoic boy's thoughts trailed back to the masked hero that had helped him the night before. He faintly remembered someone named Mysterion from when he was eight. Craig tried to stay out of the whole superhero fad so he couldn't recall the hero's secret identity.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he reached the coffee shop. Craig shut the radio off and stepped out onto the freezing sidewalk. He saw the small boy inside wave nervously at him before returning to work.

Craig had helped out occasionally at the shop when Tweek was sick or especially nervous so he knew the routine. He walked into the back and hung up his chullo hat and put on a stained apron and slightly worn down visor. Craig then went to the counter to help with the orders.

After about an hour, the shop quieted down and emptied out except for the goth kids.

"So how was school?" Craig asked in his usual monotone voice but with a hint of worry.

"F-fine," he replied, biting his lip and turned away. Craig looked down at him and noticed a bruise on his cheek.

"How'd you get that?" The stoic boy gestured at the bruise.

Tweek pulled on his hair a little before telling him about the bullies again. Craig dropped a coffee mug he was washing onto the floor out of shock, shattering it. Tweek jumped in surprise and looked up at the taller boy as the pieces scattered across the floor, making it impossible to tell it used to be a mug before.

Craig managed to recollect himself and bent over to pick up the pieces. The once again stoic boy accidentally cut his palm on a glass shard. He cursed as crimson blood escaped the wound and dripped onto the clean floor. Tweek yelped a little at the blood and ran into the back.

"Perfect. This is just perfect," he mumbled sarcastically under his breath.

Just as Craig thought Tweek wasn't coming back, the blonde boy came back into view with a handful of paper towels. Tweek shakily took Craig's hand and pressed the paper towels to his palm. The blood quickly leaked through the towels.

"Y-you can go home," Tweek offered as he pushed the rest of the paper to the bloody mess.

"Okay," Craig said through gritted teeth. Tweek helped him take off the apron and hung up the visor.

The bells on the café door rang hollowly as the ebony haired boy left. He decided it would be easier to walk home so he wouldn't get his car  and steering wheel dirty.

His palm eventually bled through the rest of the towels during his short journey home. The thick liquid dripped into the snow every couple of steps, disturbing the pure white powder.

Craig finally got back to his house and opened the door with his other hand. He rushed to the bathroom, only getting a drop or two on the carpet.

Craig washed out the cut with water and dried it with gritted teeth. He wrapped his palm tightly with bandages.

"Good enough," he exclaimed to the empty house. He trudged up to his room and looked out the window, disappointed that he couldn't help Tweek on his first day of work.

"What a great friend I am," he sarcastically said to himself as he laid down on his cold mattress.

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