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"Are we gonna skip school today?" Kenny asked Craig, who was laying without a shirt on his chest.

Craig stayed silent.

"Are you okay?" Kenny asked. Craig shook his head.

"I'm really sorry about what happened earlier," he said as he wrapped his arm around the raven haired boy.

"Don't be. It's not your fault," he stated coldly, the topic making him uncomfortable.

"Look, we need to do something that will boost your mental health. Or at least be fun," Kenny smirked at him.

Craig looked up at him, "Like what?"

"Other than getting high on cat pee, we could go ice skating."

"You're joking."

"No, really. I have skates in my closet. We should go down to Stark's Pond."

"I haven't skated since I was twelve," Craig tried recalling the last time he had laced up his skates to play hockey.

Kenny chuckled, "Perfect." He got up and pulled a pair of torn jeans over his boxers; his parka already being on.

"Hey, why did you leave your parka on earlier?" Craig inquired.

Kenny turned to him holding up two pairs of skates. "Found 'em!" He ignored his question completely.

After throwing on several layers of jackets and extra clothes, Kenny took Craig's gloved hand and made their way to the frozen over pond.

On the way Craig retold the story of the last time he went ice skating. He narrated how he had twisted his ankle and Tweek had helped him to the hospital. However, the story abruptly ended after mentioning Tweek's name.

Kenny sat down at the shore and started lacing on the skates. Craig mimicked his actions and shakily stood up. He watched Kenny get a head start as he stumbled to the ice and cautiously put one foot on the crystallized water. He held his arms out for balance as he positioned his foot next to the other. He began to remember how to move and stumbled around a bit at first.

Kenny skated up to him, "Hey, babe."

"How are you so good?" He watched him in disbelief.

"I come down here a lot with Karen when our parents- I mean we're bored," Kenny gave him a nervous smile as Craig eyed him suspiciously.

Kenny extended his hand, "Need help?" Craig reluctantly took his hand and let Kenny guide him. After a while, he started getting better and could stand on his own.

They skated on their own for a while as Craig explored the frozen water. Craig was looking down when he had bumped into Kenny, both of them tumbling to the hard ice. Kenny let out a small groan as Craig fell on top of him. Craig chuckled a little and smile before pecking Kenny's lips.

They continued to kiss each other lightly with frigid mouths, not noticing the small cracks etching themselves into the icy barrier below them.

*A/N you guys deserve a happy chapter for being so awesome. I also find it kind of funny that the shortest chapter is supposed to be the happiest one. Thank you so much for 250 votes; you guys are the best!! I was also wondering if you guys could check out my new story. It'd be really super cool if y'all could look at it! Love you guys!*

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