Chapter 6.

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Jane POV

I asked Kyle this morning to track the number but he refuse. What's up with him? It's like he wanted to help and now suddenly he hates me. It's not fair.
If he won't track it I will find someone to do it for me.

"Kyle I'm leaving. Thanks for all the help." I sarcastically said to him and slammed the apartment door behind me.

I walked into this weird club and went straight to the private room. A guy looked at me and grinned.
"What can I do for you, love ?"he came closer to me.
"Can you track this number and tell me the exact location?" I asked.
"Why? What's in it for me?" He asked.
"I need to find this person it's really important."
"And....." He grinned.
"Fine. You'll only get a kiss"
"Nope! Not doing. I take more than that. How about sex?"
"Just track the number." I growled.
"Two minutes....... Here you go. This is from DC. You can drive there...."
"K thanks bye." I grabbed my phone and started to walk out.
"Wait what about the sex ?" He asked looking a little confused.
"I lied" I smirked and took my gun out and shot him. Silencers really save a lot of trouble. Asshole.
I went to the parking lot and chose an electric blue BMW. I got in and drove off.

Kyle POV

Now I got to go to DC because Jane has definitely fallen into the trap. How could she not see right through it? It was so simple..... I hope she doesn't expect one person there. There will definitely be at least 5 people.
I quickly took the silver car and drove there. I hope I make it in time. I really want to see her face when she sees me. She has nothing to lose....just herself.

*An hour later*

The place was like an auditorium but with long tunnel like entrances from every corner. While parking I saw that a fight had broken out between Mr. Malik's guys and Jane.  Jane was kicking their butts even though they outnumbered her by 3 people. What a shame......  I got out of the car and walked towards them. When I further approached, she saw me and had a confused look on her face. She lost her balance and got kicked in the face. Ouch. Her look was now of  betrayal and anger. Exactly what I expected.
"Well done Kyle. Here is your money. You can leave now." Mr. Malik told me.
"Hell no. I want to watch. This is interesting. I mean isn't this cool. Hey Jane!" I laughed.

She was fuming with anger. She knocked two idiots who tried to hold her down and kicked the other one in the balls. That must have hurt too. Then she started walking towards me.
Good this is exactly what I want. She tried to punch me but I stopped her hand mid air, turned her around so her that her back is against me and I held a knife at her throat.
"Mr. Malik, thank you for the money"I thanked him. He took out his gun an aimed at her and me.
"Now now, Mr. Malik. You don't want to do that cause you know that the rest want her alive and so do. So now please don't shoot."
"Actually no. I do want to kill her. I don't care what the rest think. They can say what they want." He said looking a bit scared.

"Jane could you take out your gun and shoot all of them please. I don't know why you didn't do that earlier?" I asked her sweetly. She didn't budge. So with my other hand I took out her gun from her belt and aimed it at Malik. He lowered his gun but one of his guys aimed at me.
"Well then. We'll shoot on three. 1..2...3..."  The shots went off while malik was screaming not to kill him. After Malik died I shot his three guys.
I loosened my grip so she could get out. She turned around and slapped me. I saw that coming.
"What the bloody hell? What money? Why? How did you know where I was? Did you know all this time and that's why you didn't tell me about the number? Were you always this trained but just hid behind the computer?" Jane continued asking me question after question while walking to the car and on the way back.  I've got to explain a lot. At least she didn't kill me.

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