C h a p t e r 22

363 16 4

Lauren's POV

It was Friday and I had just finished my last lesson at school. I packed up my things and walked over to my locker to leave my books and then go home. By my locker I met Sophie who was also putting her books in her locker close to mine.

'Hey Laurs, what are you doing tonight?' Sophie asked.

'Uhm I'm staying home I guess. I have work tomorrow.'

'Yeah I know, I got work tomorrow myself. But anyways, I was wondering if you might wanna hang out or something tonight since we both are just staying in tonight?'

'How about another day Soph? I'm just really tired and really wanna get home and relax tonight so I can be rested for work tomorrow.' All lies of course. Today was the day I've been waiting for a long time. Danny was finally coming to visit. I know we both were looking forward to this a lot. Having a long distance relationship is hard. We have been together for about 2 weeks now. Out of these 2 weeks we had only been in the same country for a weekend, the weekend we got together. So in reality we had only seen each other for one day while officially being together...I really missed him while we were away, even if we hadn't been together for that long.

'Ohh okay... I guess we'll do it another night or something then. Maybe tomorrow after work we could do something?'

'This weekend is really not a good one, can't we just hang out next weekend? Then we're both off work.' I really didn't like lying to my best friend like this. I felt really bad as we always tell each other the truth, but now I'm keeping the fact that I'm with Danny from her, and the reason why I can't spend time together with her this weekend even though I really want to.

'Yeah okay, I'll see you on Monday then Laurs. Bye!'

'Bye, see you!' Sophie then closed her locker and left school. I closed my locker as well and walked down the hallway and out of the school before exiting the school area. I walked for about 15 minutes before I got home. I took of my shoes and jacket off before placing my backpack on the little bench in the hallway.

'Lauren are you home?' Mom shouted from the kitchen.

'Yeah mom, I'm home.' I said while walking into the kitchen.

'What are your plans today Lauren? Are you staying home or going out? With who?' Mom asked, more like interrogated...

'Easy mom, I'm staying home. You know I told you like 6 times before that Danny is coming to visit this weekend?'

'Oh right you said so. So when will he be here? Should we make some dinner tonight then? What does he eat?' This is a usual conversation between my mom and I. She asks 100 questions and I try not to strangle her in the meantime.

'He'll be here later, I think it's around 7 but I'm not sure yet, I can text him. And about food, I really don't know. I can ask him what he wants.'

'Do it now then so we have time to go to the store and get some groceries. Where will he be staying by the way?' To be honest, I haven't really asked him. I guess I should ask him that too.

'Uhm, I'll text him all the questions and let you know. Can I go now?' I asked annoyed. My mom nodded and I walked out of the kitchen and up to my room. I laid down on my bed as usual and pulled my phone from my pocket. I unlocked it and went into messages and typed in a message to Danny.

'Text to Dan X: Hey, my mom and I did our usual round of 100 questions today, so therefore I got some questions for you, my mom apparently ''needs'' to know...Can't wait til u get here! X' I decided to go have a shower so I locked my phone and put it on my nightstand. Danny was probably on his way to the airport in Dublin by now so he had time to answer the text when he was waiting to board the plane. I walked over to my closet and picked out some new clothes to wear after the shower. I made sure to pick a good outfit, I wanted to impress Dan. I knew I didn't have to, but who doesn't like to at least look nice when meeting the boyfriend? That's right, everyone does. So I stepped into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I decided not to wash my hair since I did that last night. After my shower I wrapped myself in a towel and got dried. Then I put on my clothes and brushed through my hair and refreshed my makeup. I went to my nightstand again and checked my phone.

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