C h a p t e r 32

257 11 2

Lauren's POV

'You sure yer gonna be okay?' Danny asked wrapping his arms kindly around my waist. I took my arms around his neck and pulled him down and placed my lips on his.

'I'm sure, you don't need to worry.' I said in between kisses.

'Okay, but it's no problem if you wanna stay.' He said placing his forehead on mine.

'Danny...I will be fine. I promise I will text you when I get there and when I leave. I won't go in the streets alone either okay? I will be fine, no one's gonna hurt me.'

'I know yer gonna be fine. I understand you wanna go out with people, I'm just gonna miss having you here.' Danny said squeezing me tighter not willing to let me go at all, poor guy.

'And I'll miss being in your arms too, but I promise we can hang out tomorrow okay?' Saturdays were normally our date nights. It's been like this ever since he spent a few months in London recording only one hour from my house back home. We either used to stay in watching a movie or play games, go to the cinema or out for dinner. The fact that we lived apart made it even more important for us to have date nights so we wouldn't fall apart. Even though I moved to Dublin we promised to keep date nights. We did spend most nights together anyways, but on Saturday we would do something special, just like in my hometown. Either movies or dinner out. We had wrote down a list each of things we want to do together and we have a goal that we're gonna complete all of them. It will be tough as I have somethings on my list I would probably never get Danny to do, and he had the same. Still we saw this as a good challenge for us. We could get out of our comfort zones together and feel more connected that way.

'Okay, we'll have our date night then.' He said kissing me one more time.

'I have to leave now, but I'll text you tomorrow. Love you.' I said giving him a quick kiss and exiting the apartment. I walked down the stairs and out of his apartment building. I had been staying there for the last couple of days. If I wasn't in his apartment, we were both in mine. I guess you could say we pretty much lived together, but I still felt like having my own place, you never know what's gonna happen in the future. It could all change tomorrow or it could last forever. I know which one I hoped for, but as I said, you can never know for sure. I jumped in a taxi which took me to the restaurant Susana texted me earlier. I've been talking to both Jules and Susana a lot since we met for the first time. Nearly every day we've been texting or sending snaps. I had only been here for about a week and I already made some friends I know I'll keep in touch with. Hopefully their friends are same as them, warm and welcoming.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. Either it was Danny already impatient, or it was either Jules or Susana asking where I was as I was already 5 minutes late. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and read the text.

'New text from Sus: where are yooouuu??'

'Text to Sus: On my way😁 I told you I'm always late, this time Danny wouldn't let me go hahah' I replied.

'New text from Sus: ohh I get it 😏'

'Text to Sus: aww not like that! I'm there in a few minutes!'

'New text from Sus: right 😏 We'll see you soon then!' I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket. I turned my head and looked out of the window as usual. What if their friends didn't like me? I knew I had Jules and Susana, and the lads of course. But either way, I want them to at least accept me even though this was probably totally unexpected to them. Suddenly there's a new girl joining the dinner. I know how it felt taking new ones into a group. It could be really hard making the other person fit in or feel welcome. I just hope it wouldn't be a problem.

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