Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Charlie's POV

As I walked onto the ward, unconsciously I checked and saw the crash trolley was in its correct place before heading to the office to place down my bag. I stretched and yawned before grabbing the clipboard and the consultant's book. Flipping it open I noted that we had had an extra two patients overnight in addition to the four Sam had handed over to me in the phone call he had given me the night before. Rolling my eyes at seeing a familiar name on the list I wondered how long he would be in this time. Barry Moore was a sixty something chap with obesity hypoventilation and serious social issues. He was nice enough until he got annoyed. There was certainly some learning difficulties there too. For the last six months or so he had been in and out every couple of months with "breathing difficulty" although mostly it was a social issue. He had been banned from numerous of health and social services for violent and aggressive behaviour, because of this he was no longer able to attend the hospital closet to him and ended up being brought here. While being with us he had been nothing but polite, sometimes a little too nice, especially to Gem who he had taken a liking too. But on the one time he had been on ward 35 there was an incident of him being verbally aggressive to a nurse who had been a little dismissive of him. Barry had even managed to get himself banned from his own GP as well as social services refusing to go and see him from issues in the community. I chewed my lip as I updated the board in the corridor with my name indicating the nurse in charge and the numbers of staff that were on the ward. Still wondering how poorly Barry actually was this time, I then made my way to each sluice checking they were clean and the disinfectant levels were good for each bedpan washer. The next stop was into the treatment room where Grace and Sasha were in the process of signing out some morphine.

"Morning guys." I called with a yawn.

"Morning Bab. You ok?" Said Sasha without turning. It wasn't until she looked over at me where I was checking the fridge temperature check had been done that she said "Jeez Charlie you look like crap."

I raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Thanks. That bad?"

Sasha who was known for telling it as it was just nodded, "Yep."

I yawned again "I haven't been sleeping well to be honest." It was true the last few nights I had been waking from strange dreams and confusing thoughts.

"Well you better get a good one tonight we have the staff party tomorrow!" She said and with a flick of her long ponytail she turned and continued with the task in hand.

I laughed and slipped out the door after my morning checks in there were complete. Despite being halfway through February, the staff party which was in fact dubbed the Christmas party, wasn't really much more then about twelve of us going out for dinner and drinks at a local Italian before hitting the clubs. We hadn't been organised enough to sort out an actual staff Christmas party so we had hashed together a night out after Christmas and hadn't been organised to do anything until now.

Hoping my sleep would be better tonight I continued out onto the ward and proceeded to check through all the new patients' notes and pop my head in to those of them who were awake to let them know the consultant would soon be around to see them. As I headed back to the office the first of the day staff had started to arrive. Although it wasn't needed of me I always turned up half hour early to make sure I knew what was going on with the new patients as very often Doctor Robinson one of the consultants would be ready to see them at bang on eight and wanting to know everything about them. Slipping in to the office I grabbed the folder that contained the off-duty and checked to see who was on shift. While I was checking that we had enough staff Grace stuck her head into the office. "Hey Charlie. A girl called Nora just called apparently she was meant to be on a bank on the late but she can't do it."

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