Questioned Moral 16

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After a week passes of Tashiro leaving them, Alyson, Lisa and Kagame sit at the table at school. Everyone is silent as they look at the empty spot where Tashiro would be. Kagame looks at Alyson to see that she is still taking Tashiro leaving pretty hard. "He wouldnt do anything that bad, right?" Kagame asked, "Kagame, could we not talk about him? He left us, so he has nothing to do with us anymore," Lisa said. The bell rang and they all got up to hug each other goodbye, as they head to class it is thundering outside. Lisa and Alyson stare out into the clouds lighting up with lightning. Lisa looks closer at the clouds to see a black figure shooting down from the clouds. "Alyson did y-" Lisa being interrupted, "yes, I saw it," Alyson said. Lisa shaking her head and continueing with the lesson. The bell for dismissal rings, Alyson and Kagame get in Lisa's car. As they are driving the radio is interrupted by breaking news, "We interrupt your radio broadcast to inform you that a murder has occured down south of Marx street, suspects are two masked people one with a black bird mask and the other with a black wolf mask, please be on the lookou-" Lisa turns the radio off. Alyson and Kagame get out of the car and enter the entrance to the mall. Lisa joins them and stops, Alyson turns to a masked person down the straightaway to the elevator. "A bird mask," Kagame said, Kagame begins walking to the masked person. Chains come out of the masked man's back. Alyson releases her chains and get ready. "Not here Skyl," said a masked girl as she landed next to him. "Bring back Tashiro!" shouted Lisa, they both disappeared. Lisa tears up and walks the other way, Alyson gets into the car and waits. They all get home and turn on the news to find out everything to see what happpened to Tashiro. "No news, Tashiro what happened to you," kagame saidd.

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