ONE-SHOT: Too Late-Part 1-

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A/N: All the text messages are italicalized  and in bold. And also, there will be POVs.

I am not coming.
I hate going to these kind of events.

Those were the words that Kirsten Clark is thinking about right now. Maggie just announced that there will be a some sort of a thank-you-for-all-your-hardwork ball that the organization organized. Kirsten hated the idea, so she told Maggie that she wouldn't go. But Maggie said that "Attendance is Mandatory." So Kirsten had no choice, but to go. And about like 5 minutes ago, Maggie also announced that boys have to get their dates.

Kirsten is alone in the conference room trying to figure out how this all happen, while Camille is over Linus station, while Cameron is doing some paperwork. 

"Okay, this is really happening." Kirsten uttered to herself.

She went out of the conference room, and walked over to Cameron's station.

"So, you coming at the ball?" Cameron asked.
"What for? First of all, I don't have a date, and second of all, I have better things to do rather than dress shopping with Camille." Kirsten answered.

Kirsten noticed that Cameron was biting his lower lip, so she figured out that something was bothering him.

"What's wrong?" Kirsten asked.
"Nothing's wrong."
"You're biting you're lower lip again."
"Okay fine, I just want to-"
Kirsten knew something was bothering Cameron, but she knew he needed time to process what was bothering him. So she left his station and went home.

On the way home, Kirsten was being really annoyed because Camille is talking about dress shopping and makeovers. She tried to tell her that she is not coming, but she insisted she should, and that she should get Cameron as her date. But when Kirsten asked Camille if she would go with Linus, but she said that he asked him earlier and is coming with him. Kirsten just went back into her room.

She was cracking a code in her laptop, when she heard a beep in her phone. It was a text message, from Fisher.

Hey, so I was wondering, this may be sound informal, but would you like to go to the ball with me? - Fisher

Well, I have no date, so yeah, sure. - Kirsten

Really? Oh thank you so much! - Fisher

Kirsten closed her phone, still processing the fact the fisher, asked her out on a date. He wanted to tell Cameron, in fact, she was about to call him,when she heard a knock on the door. She put her phone aside, and went to the door to open it.

But in her own surprise, it was Cameron.

"Cameron! What are you doing here?" Kirsten said in a very shocking manner.

"Well I just met up with an old friend, and his house is nearby so I figured out, I would stop here." Cameron cried. He spoke the words in a very calm manner. But Kirsten could see Cameron shaking and his hands sweating. So she figured, maybe he was gonna ask her something.

" Wanna ask something?" Kirsten asked.
" Will you go to the ball with me?" Cameron asked. Kirsten was shocked by his question.
"Cameron I'm sorry but-- Before Kirsten could even finish her answer, He cut her off.
"Please Kirsten, I'm begging you. " Cameron eyes were filled with hope. "Come with me."
"Cameron, I'm going with Fisher. He asked me first." Kirsten replied. She could see the sadness that he feels through his eyes, and now she is regretting everything.
"It's okay. No problem. I'll just go alone by myself. " Cameron said. He was trying to stop the tears from going out. So he just said goodbye to Kirsten and went towards his car. When he was walking, he could feel that Kirsten was watching him from behind. Tears were already streaming down his face. He invited her to come with because the ball was supposed to be the place were he's gonna tell the world that he loves Kirsten Clark. He loved her so badly, and he would risk his life just for her. Damn, he just loved her so much.

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