Like Mother, Like Daughter

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Hey! New update, guess what? I'm not grounded and I have a good mark! In math, I raised 2 marks! I used to be 17/20 now I'm 19/20 AND in French I got a 20/20!!! Isn't that good?! Duh! Anyhoran, let's continue, hope you readers ENJOY! 'Cause this chapter's about to get a mixture of sad, happy and shocking! Lol, how can a chapter be sad or happy? I'm guessing I'll be the only who knows what that means ;)

Paisley's POV

Yesterday was pretty crappy and great at the same time. I'm still furious at my "mother", which reminds me, I've got to tell dad that mom's cheating on him. That way maybe I can stop living in this abandoned home. But first I must have my energy, I trolled down the steps and found my mom on the couch with tissues around her, whatever. I went to the kitchen and began eating my breakfast. My mom came in the kitchen as I was finishing washing the my dish. "Sweetie, I need to tell you something." mom said, "What do you want?" I asked, trying not to be harsh on the lady. "Please, let me explain what exactly happened." she pleaded, I sighed, "Go on."

Amelia's POV

"Sweetie, it all happened after work. I was tired and I wanted to loosen up a bit. I went to the pub and took some shots, I didn't know how much I took but I was drunk. I went up the dance floor and started dancing when I felt a pair of arms went around my waist. The man kept kissing my neck until he found my sweet spot. I thought it was your father so I let him take me to a room...and then we did it." I said, whispered at the last part feeling ashamed of myself. "Let me guess, the man was that douchebag you were dating, isn't it?" she asked firmly, wow, my daughter is mad at me. She hates me to the rate of death. (a/n: if you don't understand, Amelia thinks that Paisley hates her to death) I just stood there, staring at the floor as if it was the most admiring floor to look at, feeling ashamed. "You know, you would've asked me to hang out with you instead of getting drunk and have sex with some stranger, you barely know." she said, she was about to leave the kitchen when she turned on her heel to face me, "You didn't use a condom, did you?" my daughter knows those words? She grows up too fast. I opened my mouth but no words came out except for 2 words that made me regret saying it, "I'm pregnant."

Paisley's POV

My mom's story is the biggest mistake she's ever done in the face of the earth itself. I was right, my mom doesn't think. Why is she so stupid to do that when she has a daughter to hang out with? For sure I would reject since I'd be busy but if so, why can't she hang out with her colleagues from work? If they couldn't, then she should find away to entertain herself instead of drinking and have sex. Maybe when I'm home early, she could just aske if we could have a girls' night out. The last time we had that was when I was only 14. "I'm pregnant." I stared at her like she's a lunatic, am I dreaming or are my ears playing tricks on me? "What?" I said, she sighed, "I'm pregnant! I'm fucking pregnant Paisley! Your either going to have a baby sister or brother!" she stated, she fell on her knees and began bawling her eyes out. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm a horrible mother! I deserve to die in hell! I'm a slut! I'm a slut!" she kept repeating those words over and over again. Damn, she may be greedy but the way she looks at me with her red and puffy eyes makes me feel bad about her. It took me a few minutes to process what just happened and within a flash, I bent down to her and gave her a hug. She kept crying on my shoulder so hard and repeating the seten she said earlier, "Shhhhhh, it's ok, mom, I never meant to hurt your feelings. Please don't say that, yournot a slut or a horrible mother, it's just that sometimes you need to think before you do. That's all." she just kept crying and repeating it non-stop. It took about 5 minutes to let me figureout what to tell her to stop saying it, when I know exactly what to say but hopefully, she stops. "Mother, if you love me so much, then stop saying that your a slut or whatever negative word you say that you think you are because your lying." she finally stopped talking but still crying. I sighed, I guess my words shot her and I sadly regretted those words I told her.

'So you're leaving in the morning on the early train

I could say everything's alright

And I could pretend and say goodbye

Got your ticket

Got your suitcase

Got your leaving smile

I could say that's the way it goes

And I could pretend and you won't know

That I was lying

Cause I can't stop loving you

No I can't stop loving you

No I won't stop loving you

Why should I?'

I kept singing until the end, I knew this was her favourite song, she one told me that and I still remebered, which is a good sign to cheer her up. But sadly, it didn't. She kept crying and crying for what seemed like 10 minutes but it felt like 10 hours, "Why did you cry, when I sang your favourite song?" I asked when she finally calmed down, "Sweetie, it's because your leaving me tomorrow and live with your father, the song perfectly describes what's gonna happen tomorrow." she sighed. Oh right, I'm planning actually, on leaving tomorrow. Wait, what time is it? I looked up at the clock, 9:30 am, which means I'm going to have a girls' day out with my mom. "Hey mom, why don't you go change and I'll take you out for a girls' day out? How does that sound?" I asked, my mom looked up at me and grinned, which means that she'll go. I nodded and she went upstairs to change.

It only took her 5 minutes to finish which surprised me, she usually takes about 30 or 45 minutes to get ready. She's was wearing simple pants and a t-shirt with a pair of TOMS, she looks better than wearing business clothes, she added some make up on and her face was fresh and fair. "I don't want to waste my time to hang out with my daughter just to get ready. Let's go." she chirped. "Ok then, I'm driving your car." I stated and grabbed her car keys and ran out the door before she starts protestin' (your movin in England and livin' with one direction, comment if you know where this came from!). We headed to the mall and started shopping. Okay, I know I'm tomboy, but when it comes to shopping, I automatically turn into girly girl. Don't ask me why, it's my personality. We went to Hollister, then Mango, Forever 21 (Omg, my favorite shop!), Claire's and finally, Shoe World (made-up), during our shop trip, we had a chit chats on the way. After shopping, we put our bags in the car and went to the food court. "I really apologize about this morning and yesterday." she said, then one question popped into my mind: 'Should I forgive her?' I have mostly bad reasons but I'll list the good ones:

1) She's my mother, who is important to me.

2) Of course, EVERYBODY in this planet makes these kinds of mistakes.

3) She may be barely at home but she has money for the rent, to buy food and all our needs...etc.

4) She didn't mean to have sex with a random person but it still is a bad thing.

My good reasons just took over my mind as quick as an eye blink and replied to my mom, "Yes, I forgive you."

"Really? You mean it?" she asked

"Yup." I answered poping the 'p'

"Oh, thank you so much! I thought I was going to lose my own daughter!" she exclaimed and hugged me tight. "Okay, mom, I need to breath here." I joked, she chuckled and let go. "But you still have to tell dad, mom." I said, she sighed, "I know, but I don't want your father to say bad things about me and there's one thing I should've told you earlier...but please don't get mad at me."

"What is it?" I asked, my eyebrow raised, "I know, you won't like it and hate me again so I'm going to...remarry." she said. I dropped my food, which landed on my plate thankfully, and my eyes wide as planets, "WHAT?!"

Cliffhanger! By the way, you readers owe me! 'Why?' you asked, well because:

1) I spent half of my time of studying just to update the previous chapter

2) I almost got busted for using my laptop during my sleep time but thankfully Liam distracted my parents by saying that he found a lizard in his room so they went to his room for me to hide my laptop and after my parents went to my brother's room, they asked why am I awake and I told them that I was thinking about the exam and they believed. What would I do without Liam?

You should comment, vote, fan and follow me on both twitter, @alexluvsyeh and here because of my hard work and May The Force Be With 'Chu! 

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