Amy, Taylor and Chris

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The three musketeers consisted of three outcasted teens who were used to be rejected. There was Amy, the girl who frequently dyed her hair pink, She loved to wear heavy dark makeup and loose herself in any form of music. Amy was used to either always being let down or letting everyone else down. Then there was Taylor who always cheered everyone up no matter what her situation was, she was loving, kind and had the most beautiful long blond hair. Taylor too liked her music and was low key emo. However Chris was emo all the way. Chris was tall, dark haired with a finge that came across his face. Chris was in the year above Amy and Taylor. These were the musketeers who at one point were not friends, they'd pass eachother in the hallways and think non of it, They'd sit in the same room and not know that they would very quickly make such a strong bond and become the best of friends.

Amy always felt lonely, she would sit with a group of 12-16 people everyday, every break and lunch. They were her friends. They were her squad. Yet Amy, like most teens, had her best friends. Amys best friend was Sylvia, Sylvia was the only one who could make Amy smile. The two very quickly made a close friendship and were unseperable from day one. There friendship blossemed when the two were put into the same french class and instead of doing the work that was set would sharpen pencils and colour code them. They told eachother everything and trusted eachother with every fiber of their being.

Taylor had a boyfriend, his name was Jack and they would always be sat in the school canteen hugging, Jack was an artist and would draw Taylor pictures all the time, little 'I love you' messages.

Amy walked into another school assembly, it was dark outside and as she lived in the UK it was raining -as per usual. She sat down shly at the back of the canteen with the rest of the girls in her tutor group. She looked at the projected image on the wall and was instantly mesmorised. "Greece Trip- 2015" the wall read. Amy knew this would be good. As the assembly want on Amy was facinated more and more and couldn't peel her eyes from the photos being shown. One of the school geography teachers Mr.Long was talking about an expedition that was going to be taking place in a few years time. He talked about flying to Greece and working in a turtle rehabilitation centre, He talked of sea kayaking and making new friends. Before Amy even stood up to leave at the end of the assembly she had already contacted her parents every way possible. She and texted, emailed, facebooked and skyped both of her parents asking is she could go on the trip.

When Amy sat down in her first lesson of the day she was still finding more and more ways to contact her parents, sending the same message over and over again. "can I go on a school trip to Greece?". After 10 minutes of trying to get hold of her parents a text from her dad came through. "I need to know more before I say yes, but sure, let me find out some more infomation" and that was it, before the end of first Period Amys dad had contacted Mr.Long saying she was interested and would like to know more about the trip.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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