Chapter 1: Manime High

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Alrighty guys... The story is now here!!! It took me forever to figure out how I wanted this to go... But I think I did it and before you guys start complaining I'm just having fun with this story hopefully you guys will enjoy! Oh and btw I'm gonna be Alistair in this story...

Today was the anniversary of the end of the world.

I still remember perfectly what happened that day. The skies turned black, the ocean red. Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods they were more common. We bested it all. But, we weren't ready for the meteor it was near two times bigger than the earth so as a last ditch effort, we created real life nerve gear... Our plan was to enter a new world, one where we wouldn't age or get sick, so that when the meteor hit we'd be safe inside our new world. We would be immortal, but someone had a different idea for mankind.

He changed the code. He changed everything. How else would you explain being here at, well... Manime High!

Alistair's POV:

I made it... Phew... I had to run to get here on time. Damn alarm clock... Anyway it looks like I need to get to-- I look over to see a bunch of guys hitting a girl. I run over quickly and jump kicked one of them into a wall. "Back off you jerks!" I shouted, "Pick on someone your own size!"

"Haru-Kun!!!" the other guy shouted, "Are you ok?! You'll pay for this!" He tried to grab Haru and run, but Haru wouldn't let him. "You think you can get away with that cheap shot?!" He shouted, "Let's see how you do in a fair fight!" He charged at me, I quickly dodge. But he turns quicker. He punches me in the stomach. Hard. At this point the girl I was defending disappeared. I smile. I know how to win this fight. I grab his arm, using his momentum to throw him over me. I looked at him on the ground, weak. "We'll meet again... Raymond help me up..." He said, they both swiftly limped off. I grabbed my stuff, and headed for History in Mr. 'Merica's class.

(Timeskip to History)

The classroom was loud. People arm wrestling, throwing paper airplanes and chatting loudly. All of a sudden, an average sized man with blond hair and blue eyes, wrote his name on the white board. 'Mr. America' it said, "I am your history teacher, Mr. America!" He shouted, as everyone scrambled to get into there seats, "Now, can anyone tell me what basically happened in the revolutionary war?" A girl raised her hand. "Go ahead Mrs. Fazbear." It was the girl from before!

"Basically America wanted to become independent so instead of becoming 'The United States of Britain' so the two great country's went to war." She said confidentiality, "WRONG!" he shouted, "Britain saw America and was like, 'Cheerio, ta ta god save the queen!' and then America was like 'Merica fudge yeah!' then Britain attacked us then we like whupped Britain's butt." The room was silent. Then the bell rang, the only sounds that could be heard were textbooks slamming shut and kid's sneakers squeaking on the hallway floors.

I look over to the brown haired girl. She was starting to run out the room, I tried to chase her but she slipped into the hall and out of sight. I look down, looks like she dropped one of her books. I picked it up, it read 'Abigail Fazbear'. Well I guess I'll see you later... Abigail.

(Timeskip to Art)

Mr. Italy said draw, finger-paint, do whatever we were comfortable with, just so he could get an idea of what our skill levels were. I sketched a feast fit for a king. I saw everyone else draw other things like... Animals, Space even Mr. Italy himself. "Ok, everyone. You can stop now, going to look at what everyone made." He said cheerfully, finally at least there's one normal teacher here...

"WHAT?!?!" He shouted, running past all of our art. "ALL OF YOU FAIL!!!! NONE OF YOU MADE... PASTA!!! OUT OF MY SIGHT!!" We all basically ran out of his room scared he might just kill us all. We sat down in the hall way waiting for the bell to ring... I guess I shouldn't assume anyone here is sane.

I look over to see a brown blur zooming at me."OW!" I shouted, " YOU SHOULD WATCH WHERE Y--" it was her... Abigail, was she crying? "W-Would you help me again?" She asked, I looked behind her there they were. Raymond, Haru and some other girl. I get in front of Abigail, "What did I tell you punks?!" Haru stared at me and smiled, "Have you met, Ellianna?" He asked, I look over to where she was standing but she was gone. I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and get punched in the face, making me slide 20 feet back. I'll just have to assume that was Ellianna. Now facing her I get into a fighting stance. She chuckles. "You think you can beat me?!" She said, lightning suddenly surrounding her hands, "I'm Laxus's top student. You can't win."

All of a sudden I saw a blur zooming towards Ellianna from behind, it appeared to have stepped on her head. In the same motion, springing off her forehead towards me. The blur grabbed my hand and we started running away, looking for somewhere to hide.

We took a hard turn into the janitor's closet. Since we had finally stopped, I decided to look at my savior, she had long, chestnut colored hair, brown eyes and she wore thick black glasses, green cargo pants and a black tank top. I started to thank her but then she started yelling at me. "WHATWEREYOUDOINGOUTTHERE?!" She shouted, "Who are you, you runt?!"

"What was I doing?! GETTING FRICKIN JUMPED THAT'S WHAT!" I shouted, "AND MY NAME IS ALISTAIR NOT, RUNT!!!" she was silent, I guess I finally shut her up. Suddenly I caught a chill.

I looked in the doorway, to see a tallish man with long gray hair and a mop, he was probably the janitor I heard about, some say he was an 'Undertaker' before he became a custodian, "Would you lovely young piles of flesh like a customized coffin?" He said chillingly, before I could even react, she had grabbed my hand and she was running so fast, I was like a kite in the wind behind her...

Eventually, we stopped in the lunchroom. Thank god, I was famished... "Emerald." She said, "My name is Emerald Shadowfast." I looked around for a table to sit, I saw an empty one. Perfect. I sit down, Emerald soon joining me. "Now, what happened back there?" She asked, as she took a bite of her apple, "Well, it all started this morning..."

(Timeskip to after they've finished chatting)

"Wow, you have had a long day." She said, "Alistair." Good she called me by my name! "Ya know, I think that I can get used to this place... It isn't so bad..." I said happily, Emerald started laughing, "What, Emerald-Chan?" I asked, she stopped laughing, "Two things: One, that happy go lucky attitude isn't gonna help you in 'Familiar Training' and Two!" She said seriously, getting close to my face, "I prefer KUN!" she slapped me, "Owww! Sorry my bad Emerald-Kun." I said, "And what do you mean 'Familiar Training'?"

The bell rang.

"Well, from the sound of the bell, it looks like you're about to find out!" She said, cheerily, and before I knew it she was gone... I'm probably gonna have to get used to that.

(Timeskip to Familiar Training)

Our teacher was a short girl with long purple hair in pigtails and she wore... A school girl outfit?!

Alright guys that is the first chapter of Manime High please comment down below and lemme know what you guys thought about this or if there's an anime you want added to this fan fic mssg me. Byyeeeee! X3

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