Chapter 3: Monsters and Blood

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Abigail POV:

I was frozen in fear, after what I saw. All of those corpses... The smell was enough to make me throw up. But I kept it in. "All of those who got a familiar, you may leave." Kamiki-Sensei said. Everyone else left, leaving me alone, chained to this chair. "So." Kamiki-Sensei started, "... Let's see if you're lucky enough to get a familiar." Kamiki-Sensei said, unchaining me, handing me a piece of paper and a needle. I took the needle and pricked my finger, until blood started to come out. I let blood drip on the paper and said, "Flaming Galaxy."

At that moment, an odd creature emerged and landed on my shoulder. It was bird-like. I looked up at Kamiki-Sensei, she seemed shocked. "Y-You got an Itsumade as a familiar?" Kamiki-Sensei stuttered out. The bird opened its beak to squawk, but fire came out instead. "I... guess I did." I said, confidently. Kamiki-Sensei still had a shocked expression on her face. "You may leave now... Abigail-Chan." Kamiki-Sensei said. "Thank you, Sensei." I said, getting up, along with my Itsumade and walked towards the door, as I was about to open it a tall student crashed through the door and into me.

I blacked out...

(Flashback to that morning)

"Nerd!" One of them said, punching me, almost knocking my glasses off. These jerks thought it would be funny to mess with me, apparently. Well, I was an unfortunate one. Then, one of them was about to punch me again, so, I closed my eyes, expecting the worst, tears forming. But, nothing happened. I heard a lot of commotion though.

After a few moments, I opened my eyes, and saw a guy, not one of the Bullies. He had saved me. While my glasses were still fine, I ran to Mr. Murica's classroom, hoping my day would get better.

(Timeskip to after Mr. 'Murica's class)

Well, that certainly wasn't as good as I had hoped! I gave a completely reasonable answer, but, nope! 'Murica had to go with some idiotic belief. Did he even do history when he was learning stuff? Italy was better, complaining that nobody drew Pasta. Like, seriously?

There are better things in the world than Pasta! While walking to my next class, I looked at my books, and realized that I was missing one. Shoot, I must've dropped one in one of those classes. I looked up, and saw them: The jerks from before.
They saw me, smirked, and ran towards me, whilst I ran the opposite direction. I started to cry again, not wanting another bruise on my face. Then, I saw him. The guy who saved me before. Alistair-Kun, wasn't it? "Hey, watch it!" He yelled as I ran by him, and went behind him. He saw me, and his expression changed. "Do you think you can save me again?" I asked, as the jerks came within view.

(End of Flashback)

I was taken out of my Train of Thought by a shake on the shoulder. I looked up, and it was him: Alistair-Kun.

Alistair's POV:

"All of those who got a familiar, may leave." Kamiki-Sensei said, I stood up, a blank expression on my face. I quickly looked around the room to see who survived. It appears that Ellianna, Haru, Raymond, Emerald and a few others had made it, but it seemed that Abigail was forced to stay.

I pet Metaru as I left the room. I overhear Ellianna and Haru whispering to each other, probably plotting something... I look to my only 'friend' for help, "Hey, Emerald-Kun?" I whispered, she glared at me with a RBF (Resting Bitch Face), "What da'ya want?" She asked in an annoyed tone, I tried to reply with an equally annoyed tone, "I think that Ellia--" but Haru-Kun had snatched Metaru-Chan from me and applied some type of powder on him. "No!!! METARU!!!!!"

Metaru began to grow.... a lot, he grew into a scarier, darker more evil version of himself as he began to attack everyone (except Ellianna and Haru), I attempted to calm him down, but he spit fire at me, I dodged and ran... Right into Kamiki-Sensei... I think I tackled her... Dammit im probably gonna get detention for that... I started to get up but...

I was too comfortable, I felt like I was laying on the two warmest water balloons ever... Wait... Oh-no... *WAP!!!* She slapped me so hard I went face first through a door and into Abigail. I think she passed out... Great.

Quickly, I got up and picked her up off the floor. Then, started to run from the monster who once was a friend. I looked to my left and saw a doorway, I sprinted as fast as I could through it. Metaru crashed through a wall not far behind me. I tripped and fell to the ground. Abigail landing on me.

I turned around Metaru just feet away, all of a sudden Kamiki-Sensei's foxes started fighting the beast. He killed the foxes...

Suddenly a larger two tailed black cat crashed through the wall and into Metaru. It started to slash at him with its claws, thus making Metaru bleed onto the paper we used to create these monstrosities.

W-were more monsters coming out the paper?! Emerald-Kun ran over to me and helped me up, we then dragged Abigail-Chan out the room and far away from the action.

We then started on the plan.

Ok there ya go guys so so so sorry for not writing that often I'm gonna try to do better... It's just school and homework have been taking over my life... Anyway hopefully you enjoyed if you did, please leave a comment and give this story a vote! Love ya'll, Byyeeeee!!! :3

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