chp 2

42 2 1

I was going to my history class but Nathan called my name from behind me, I turnd around"yeah?" I asked
"Er-I was thinking....would you like to come on my football match tonight?"he asked, scratching the back if his neck
"Sure, why not"I smiled

"Okay,class after 1 week from now you have to submit your history projects which I m going to give you guys today, you have to work with a partner"
"And I'll be choosing your partners"he added and everyone groaned
"Kate and john" he began

"Ella and Simon"

"Faith and Drew"my eyes winded, oh no

"Faith?"teacher said
"Yeah?"I replied
"Go and sit beside your partner"he said pointing to drew



I get up and went to sit beside him.I smiled at him tryin to be polite but he looked away


Who cares anyways, the teacher started to tell us about the project I tried to open my pen to write but accidently I spilled all the ink on drew's face


Drew was so angry that I could see a vain popping on his head

Oh my god

"I am sorry it was an accident"I apologized, he tried to say something but the bell rang and I ran out of classroom, he called my name in an angry tone but I ignored. You see Drew is kinda bad boy type, he's scary,arrogant, rude, he has tattoos on his arms and he is a player, Basically I HATE him
It was lunch time so I went to cafeteria, my friends were already there, I sat between Kelly and Nathan
"Where is Bella?"I asked
"Still sick"Fabian replied
"I think we should visit her"I said
"Why not''kelly smiled
"What about today?"she suggested
"Err-I have a match today, what about tomorrow, after school?"Nathan said, oh I totally forgot about his match
"Okay"Kelly said
"Are you guys coming?"I asked looking at Kelly and Fabian
"Umm-actually I m not coming, I m going to visit Bella"Fabian said smiling and looking down

Aww, thats so sweet

I always knew they had a thing for each other, Kelly smiled at me knowingly I smiled back
"What about you kelly? Are you coming?"I asked
She shook her head, no
"I have alot of homework, I m sorry nath"I smiled sadly
"No its fine"He assured
I looked up to the cafeteria entrance and saw Drew coming in, I poked Kelly and told her what happend today and we both started laughing like a crazy person. Even through it was an accident, I was proud of myself
Payback is a bitch
His words keep replaying in my head. The bell rang and all of us get up to leave for our classes
The rest of the day flew easily

It was almost 7 now the game'll start at 8:30 so I have plenty of time to get ready.suddenly I felt vibration in my pocket, a text from Nathan

From Nathan,
You ready?

To Nathan,
No, not yet

From Nathan,
I was thinking to pick you! :)

To Nathan,
Sure :)

From Nathan,
Good I'll be there in 10 minutes
Go get ready ;)
I went to my room to change, I decided to wear jeans and a shirt, nothing fancy, I tied my hair in a ponytail, and did my makeup, a little mascara and lip gloss, then I went downstairs I house be rang
He's early

I opened the door, Nathan was standing there "Hi"he smiled
"Hi"I smiled back
"Ready?" He asked
"Lets go then"he said
I locked the door behind me and went to sit in his car

"Are you exited?"I asked
I nodded "you?" He asked
"Yeah"I replied

After the game we went out with some of his friends to celebrate because his team won the match, at 11:30 Nathan was fully drunk so were his friends but they could drive
I drove Nathan home and leaved his car at his house
How was I suppose to go home now there are no taxis and his house is pretty far from mine
I have to walk. Nobody was out at this time of nit it was almost midnight now I checked time 12:14 time flies when you are out with friends
I was walking alone at footpath


I heard something, I looked back, nothing was there

I swear I heard something

I started walking again but this time a little more fast
I felt something behind, I turned and gasped there was a man standing there, right behind me.He looked drunk by the way he was walking towards me
"What are you doing here, babe?" He asked in a deep raspy voice, I could see him smirking
"N-nothing"I said and started walking again but held my wrist and pulled me towards him, I was so close to him that i could smell his breath


He smirked at me again
"Lets have some fun, babe"
My eyes winded I tried to escape from his grip but it only tightened
"Leave me"
"Let me go"I cried
Now he was dragging me to dark alleyway, I was yelling, crying but nothing happend

He pushed me against the wall. I knew where this was going
I was crying so hard, my heart was pounding against my chest

Suddenly the body ripped out from me and another man started to beat him, punch after punch then he kicked the man
I think the man was unconscious now
The other man looked at me and I gasped again, it was


Author note:-
Hi guys,
Tell me about it,do you like it? And please forgive the mistakes
Pls comment and vote :)

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