chp 3

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His eyes were hard,I've never notice his eyes before,it was dark in here but I could make out his eye colour, it was sea blue, his eye lashes were long and black just like his hair overall his eyes were gorgeous

Just than I realized that I was staring at his eyes for so long so I looked away.Then I saw that man laying on the ground unconsciously and I remembered what was about to happend I was about to get raped or maybe killed, I shivered from the thought.

I looked up at Drew to found he was already looking at me, his expression was unreadable but his eyes were still hard
"What are you doing out at this time of night?"he finally spoke in a very demanding tone
His voice was scary and it sent down shivers in my spine

"I-I-Er-um-uh-"I stuttered, I was so scared in the moment that couldn't make a proper sentence. My hands were trembling and my legs were shaking. I know that he hated me and he could kill me right now, right here

I hope its just a horrible nightmare

After few minutes of silence he said "Lets go, its not safe in here"he spoke very calmly


He held my wrist and lead me out of that dark alleyway. Now we were walking quietly. I can't believe that out of all the people he saved me.

Maybe he's not that bad

My inner voice spoke. Yeah maybe I was wrong about him, maybe he's not that bad after all he saved me and I-
"Why are you out at this time?"he asked again breaking my train of thoughts
"Er-I was just going back home"I replied. What was I suppose to say. He raised one eyebrow
"Actually, I was hanging out with Nathan and some of his friends.We were celebrating, Nathan got really drunk so I dropped him and his car at his home and I was going back at my home when er-that guy showed up"I barely whispered the last part, he nodded
He signed"where is you home?"he asked, I looked up, his eyes were soft now.I gave him my address we stopped in front of a car, he unlocked the car and we sat in then he began to drive
"Why were you out at this time?" I asked, he signed but he didn't spoke a word

He stopped in front of my house,I got out of the car and started walking towards my house I unlocked my front door and saw him leaving.I locked the door again and went to kitchen, I checked time it was 1:30 a.m, I drank a glass of water and ran upstairs to my room.I locked my room door also and when I saw my reflection at the mirror I was surprised, my long brown hair was looking like a birds nest now,my eyes were red and puffy from all the crying and there were mascara and dried tears on my cheeks, I washed my face removed all the ruined makeup from my face and changed my clothes, I turned off the lights and went to bed

So much happened today, I shouldn't have  let Nathan take me to that bar, I m not going to talk to Nathan anytime soon.My eyelids were getting heavy so I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep

The next morning
I was walking to my locker when I saw Kelly and Bella talking they waved at me I smiled and start walking in their direction
"Hey"they both said in unison
"Hi"I smiled
"How are you Bella?"I asked her
"I m fine now, thanks"she replied
"What happened to you? You looked exhausted"Kelly asked me, I signed.The bell rang It was my art class, Kelly and I have art together so I have plenty of time to tell her the details we walked together to our class, we took our seats
"Now explain"she ordered
I signed again
"Well you remember I went to Nathan's football match last night?"I started, she nodded
"Well, he won and we went to celebrate with some of his friends and he got drunk-"
"Oh my god he didn't tried something on you did he?"she cut me off, her eyes winded
"No, he didn't tried anything... err- he got really drunk so I dropped him and his car home
And well It was almost midnight, I was walking back home when a guy showed up tried to rape me but somehow Drew showed up there and saved me"I finished and she hugged me
"I m sorry I should've come with you"she said
"No Kelly, its fine, nothing happened, I m perfectly okay"I assured her
Suddenly the teacher cleared her throat and we broke our hug and begin to start drawing
"You know Nathan is in trouble"Kelly suddenly said and I laughed

The lunch bell rang and I leaved my class, in the cafeteria Fabian was sitting with Bella, an annoyed Kelly and a worried Nathan, I smiled to myself

"Hey guys"I said, they all looked up at me
"Sit down"Kelly ordered, I raised an eyebrow and sat down "now can please someone explain whats happening?"Fabian said
Kelly signed and explained everything and I saw Nathan's expression changed almost 10 times
"Oh my god"Bella said, Fabian eyes were wide and Nathan looked guilty

He should be

"Nathan, I-"Bella started but Nathan cut her and looked at me
"Oh faith I m so sorry"
"You should be"Kelly said a little too loud, now alot of people were looking at our table
"I m sorry faith"Nathan said again, ignoring Kelly
"Its okay"I said
"No, its not"Bella and Kelly said at the same time, Fabian laughed at them and Nathan frowned
"Fine, whats my punishment?"Nathan said
Kelly started rubbing her hands, an evil smile tugging at her lips
"You'll know soon"she said and got up, I knew she's only bugging him and Nathan groaned
Just then I realized I didn't even thanked Drew for saving me and dropping me home last night
So I told Kelly and begin to find him I found him at the corner of the cafeteria, walked at his direction and called his name
He looked up and raised one eyebrow

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