Hetty's mystery

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Autors note: please mind any grammary mistakes ok? If you want to point them out and I'll fix them.

Lucia's/My POV
Hi! My name is Lucia and I'm 17 years old I'm orphan but raised by woman named Hetty Lange I call her gram. I really like her, she's nice. She learned me how to kick bad asses, cook, hack, role play, play the piano and sing. Oh and I'm goth. Today for the first time I'm gonna meet her work family. I can't wait!
Hi gram! - I said. -
Ready sweetie? - She asked.
As I'll ever be...
- ok, so let's go!
We went to car and started driving to her work place. I was here before, sometimes watching the team work but never had an opotunity to meet any one of the team.(as myself anyway) They are always busy, that's sad. Ok, so here it goes!


At work (still my POV)
In the car Hetty told me she has some thing's to discuss with Granger but she'll meet me as soon as she can.
So I went inside and I was greated by the agent of the team.
"Hi my name is..."
-Kensi. I know. Nice to meet you.- "Ymm... nice to meet you too, but from where do you know my name?"
-Well I heard it from your partner while I was sitting at Hetty's desk.
"Oh, ok and what's your name?" -My name is Lucia- The rest of the team went inside.
-Hi! I'm Lucia and you are Nell Jones, Eric Beale, G Callen, Sam Hanna and Marty Deeks with Monty! Am I right? Hi sweetie! - I said kneling beside Monty. He jumped on me making every one confused by the fact that he know's me and like's me a lot. 'What?!? From where do you know my dog? And why are calling him sweetie' You're gonna find out soon mr. Deeks. After that we heard a wistle but it wasn't Eric.
'My ringtone' said Eric.
'Well guys we got a case'
Darling, will you come with us upstairs please?
"Yes of course gram"

Upstairs the call from Washington
"Hi uncle Lion I haven't heard anything from you for a looong time" - I said
Oh Tiger as I can see you finally met your team. - replied the director
"Yes I did they're really nice to me"
I'm glad to hear that.
'First my dog jumped on you licking your face, now you're talking with director Vance like you know each other for years...wait. "your team"?' said Deeks confused a lot.
Kiddo I'm afraid we have to put you in a field again.
"That's ok Lion I just want to explain it to the team. Gram could you start?" Everything for you Lucia Everything for you... - said Hetty.

L-Lucia (my POV)

After the call from DC (10 am)
H- So as you heard Lucia is a new member of your team. She isn't my grand daughter by blood but she's used to call me her gram. Well, when she was around 4 we needed a baby girl to go undercover. There were 5 of ours and few of DC team agents in field. That's why Leon know's Lucia. She joined our team because of the case we're having now, -talking to me- dear you have to go back with ms. Sciuto and mr. McGee as their daughter. Meet me in half an hour downstairs in wordrobe.
L- Could I wear my favourite outfit?
H- I don't see any problem with that. I'll just have to go grab a file I want to give you to fill you in with the newest information. Oh and Mr. Deeks? I will have to borrow Monty from you one more time.
D- Again? Ok fine.
L-Thank you. (Hetty left the room)Any one has a question for me?
G+S- Yes actualy I have a question.
L- Ok G you go first.
G- How long are you an agent?
L- Well now I'm 17 so my 13 years anniversary will be in December. Sam?
S- How is that possible that I haven't seen you or heard about you before?
L- Well we talked, for like an hour.
S- What ?
L- Yea I was under my alias. You remember the girl named Alison? With long blond hair, black leather jacket and knife in the pocket? I won throwing knives competition with Kens.  It was me practising.
S- Well then I have to admit it you are a very good actor.
L- Thanks, Hetty helped me, any more questions?
D- Yes, from where do you know my dog?
L- When I was undercover with McGee and Abby we got him as our
protection. I was with him 24/7. Speaking of... where he is now?
D- He was eating his lunch. And I told you guys Monty is a trained dog!
L- Yea when he's not licking your face.*my phone beeped* Ok guys sorry I have to go, but one more thing in case I won't come back... don't say I will surely... Kensi? Deeks? And Nelly? Eric? Will you finally admit that you have a "thing" for each other please? G, Sam don't be so tough on the outside I know that both of you are big teddy bears. (When I was telling this I came to every one of the team and give them the famous Abby hug she taught me how to do. After that I left them curious from where I know about their "thing's")

Downstairs wordrobe (10.30 am)
H- What do you think about it Darling?
L- It's amaizing I can't believe it still fits me so well.
H- Well you are still skinny. It suits your personality.
L- Thanks gram I love it and I really apriciate this (I said giving her a hug). But where I'm gonna hide my guns and knifes?
H- You don't need them. And I know you're gonna find a way to hide a knife. Rule #9 remember? Ms Blye has spare gun so just ask her in the airport. Honey you have to go before the plain arrives ms. Blye and mr. Deeks with Monty will escort you.
L- Ok bye love you. Thank you for everything!

At the airport (13.00 am)
L- Abby! McGee! How good to see you guys! (I said giving them a hug)
A- Oh I see that you practised "my" Abby hug :)
L- Yea I did.
Mc- Hi kiddo.
L- Hi! Omg how much I've missed you! (Then I saw Kens and Deeks standing next to us not wanting to interrupt) Oh, you know special agent Kensi Blye and this is Monty and his pupil Marty. Oh sorry, my mistake.
K- Good one (she said giving me high five). Good to see you again guys.
D- Ha ha very funny! But anyway nice to meet you guys.
L- Ok let's go, my jet is waiting.
D,K- You have your own plane?
L- Hetty bought me one. She wanted me to have the safest way to travel on missions.

At the plain 1 hour after the start

L- Is any one sleppy?
A- Actualy me.
L- McGee, Kens gonna get some sleep with us?
K- Thank you for your offer but I'm good. I will cuddle with Deeks- she said blushing a little
L- McGee?
Mc- How can I say no to my ladies?
(The three of us burst out laughing)
L- Ok let's go I'm sleppy. (We were flying with comfy beds to sleep on, so I just cuddled between Abby and McGee and fell asleep)

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