Just in time for Halloween

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She looked up at the old house, three stories tall, paint faded with age, windows broken from rocks tossed by children, the yard around it grown over by weeds. The whole scene was one of neglect, one that would make a perfect backdrop for any scary movie. She had shivered just from walking by this house when she was in her teens. Now she's grown and determined to put all of her old fears to rest. One walk around inside to prove that it was just an old forgotten house should do it. She took another deep breath, then moved forward on legs that only felt a little shaky. One trip inside. No big deal. She had overcome her fear of closed spaces and spiders, she could do this too. It was ten steps to the porch. She paused there, then counted out seven more steps to the front door. Of course once she touched the door, it eerily swung open on it's own. She walked in heart pounding with terror. As she walked in she froze, the interior of the house was even more terrifying.

Her brain worked at a million miles per hour, trying to justify the odd noises she heard. The creaking sounded suspiciously like footsteps. The wind blowing through the old house sounded like eery laughter. Sunlight was the only light that seemed to shine. Even then, only barely. It was so dark... So cold... As she stood in the doorway, she trembled at the thought of what could be lurking inside. She steeled herself, then slowly takes a step in. Again, as soon as she stepped inside and let the door go it slammed shut with an echoing "BANG!" She stood there, frozen in sheer terror of what... Or who she just alerted that she was inside.

Of course we already knew she was there... We can sense that sort of stuff you know. She, it seems, could sense us as well. She stood and we watched. We heard her great pounding, we heard her breathing quicken. She took a small step towards us, looking directly at us, but she did not see us. The sound of her heart got louder and louder. It was bothering us. We hated it. We had to stop it. Then she could join us!

Suddenly all of us rushed at her, the beating of her great stopped without another sound from her.

We had nine... Now we have ten! "Who are we?" You ask. Well... We are The Abducted. And we await our next friend

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