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PAX is afraid of disappointment. The match rankings are more than just a number; they determine whether or not he'll be left out in the poisonous air for an elongated death by suffocation, or allowed to keep his position in the combat center. Disappointing the Ringmasters seals his fate, but if he doesn't, he'll be given another few weeks, months, or even a year before he slips up in a match- and then a quicker and more painful death will be waiting.

Honestly, Pax isn't sure which choice he'd prefer.

SANYA is afraid of who she is. Or, who she might be. She's the Ringmasters' pet, the highest in the rankings, and one of the most powerful of the original mutant prototypes. She's won all three annual tournaments she's competed in the past, and has the blood on her hands to prove it. The audience calls her a champion and the Ringmasters call her a prize.

She doesn't like to think about it. But when she stands in the ring, Sanya feels like neither.

She's a monster.

LESLI is afraid of being helpless. Her whole life is being turned upside down, and her parents aren't there to help. She's only one of thousands of refugees streaming into the city of Ironski, and she's never felt so small. Everything's out to get her: the poisonous air, the twisting city alleyways, and the threat of a continuation of the Third World War looming over the city.

She's seen mutant fights in the past. She's seen their confidence, their bravery. Sometimes, Lesli wishes she could be that strong.

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