Chapter 1

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"Niall! Niall wake up! Niall!" I opened my eyes. I saw Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis lean over me. "Niall! Are you okay?!" I looked  at Liam, he looked worried at me. "Niall, stay with us!" Zayn said and I looked at the bright lamp over my bed.

I slowly closed my eyes and heard the sound of my friends shout my name and tell me to stay with them.


"Ah!" I covered the sun with my hand and pushed myself up from the ground. I looked around me. I was in the middle of the street and not a sign of life was around. "How did I get here?" I said and scratched the back of my head. 

I should just try to find my way home to the boys. And ask what happend to me, and how I got here.


I opened the door and walked slowly in, and closed the door quite behind me. I saw Harry sat in the sofa and write on some paper. The other boys came running down the stairs. "Who was that?" Zayn said."What?" Harry asked, confused. "The door opened who come in?" Zayn explained."Well I don't know, I didn't see anyone. By they way, have any of you heard from Niall? I think he went home with a girl last night."  Harry said and laughed. "I think he is good, but we should call him later. So the door opened and nobody came  in?!" Zayn asked. "LADS! I came in!" I yelled at them. No bosy answered me. "Zayn... Harry... Louis... Liam... HELOOOOOO!" I tried to yell and scream to the boys but they ignored me. Were they mad at me or somthing and they decided to totally ingnore me? "Oh come one lads! It's not funny!" No one answered me. "Are you sure you didn't see anyone Harry?" Liam said and looked at me, but it was like he didn't see me, but right trough me.

"Yep." Harry said and looked down at the paper he was wrting on. I walked in front of Louis and snapped my fingers in front of his face. "LOUIS THE TOMMO TOMLINSON! Stop joking around already!" He just shookhis head. "So you know I am hear?" I said. "Let's go back up guys." He said and he and Zayn jogged up stairs. "You comming Haz?" Liam said before he walked up stairs. "Nah, I will finish here first." "LIAM! HARRY!" I wawed my hand in front of Liam, but he just ignored it and went up stairs.

"Harry, if you don't respond to me, I am going out!" I yelled, he didn't seem to be bothred by me leaving. "Alright then, have it your way!" I said and slammed the door behind me. "Did anyone else hear that?" I heard Zayn say. Oh my god, they are the worst! I decided to walk to the place where I woke up for earlier today to see if I couold fine some clues why they ignored me.

I walked down they same way I came from. After about ten minutes I turned around a corner in into the street I woke up in. What is that? I saw someone lay on the ground, not moving. Was he here before? I can't reamember seeing him. "Helo?" I said with out any respond. "Who are you?" I said. I got closer and saw he was about my hight and had the same hair as me. "Helo?! Are you even lis-" I gasped. It was me! It was ME! It was my own body lying there, dead on the ground. The blood had been streaming out on the other side of my body, but I had stoped and the sun was so hot, it was all dried up.

I looked down at my own to hands. raised my hands. I saw somthing unbelievable, my hands where transparent! I could see right trought them! Don't tell me.... I looked from my hands to my body and back to my hands. Oh. My. God. I am a ghost! I AM A GHOST! " HOLY CRAP!" I yelled and looked around me and saw nobody except a little cute cat  chasing a mouse.

I sat down at the ground and cried. I was dead, I am dead. I was a ghost now, I don't even reamember how, I died. I couldn't do anything about it. "I AM DEAD!" I yelled and cryed . I saw that the tears hit the ground, but didn't leave any marks, just dissapeard. It all make sense now. The boys didn't answere me because they couldn't see or hear me.

"Hey, how is it  going mate?" I looked up at a guy at my age, He had brown hair and dark green eyes. "You can see me?" I said between my sobs. "Yeah, can't you see I am a ghost?" He said. I took a look at him again. Oh, yeah, I could still see the cat chasing the mouse tought he was standing between me and them.

"First day huh?" He said and sat down next to me. "It's okay. I bet you didn't expect comming back as a ghost when you died." He said and laughed. I just galared at him. How can he laugh? I AM DEAD FOR FUCK SAKE! "So how did you die?" He asked me. "I-I.... I don't reamember, but that is my body." I said pointing at my body. "Oh, it looks like you got hit by a car." He said. I died because of a car crash... 

"You must have been drunk and then you got hit by a car. The one that drove you probably was to scared to do something. Normaly you would have wkoe up in a hospitol, or underground..." He sight. "If you are barried, you won't be able to get up on earth, unless some one diggs your body up again." I was lucky I did here then.

"How-.... How did you die?" I asked curious. "OH! Long time since I have told that story. Well, I was stupid enough to think I could fly. DON'T ASK ME WHY! But I tought I was a pigeon and jumped of a cliff and yeah...." I had to laugh at the end there. "Really?" I said, still laughing. "Don't you dare laugh at me!" He yelled and punshed my shoulder a little. "Sorry." I said and stoped laughing. 

"Sooooooooooo, what is you name?" He said and got up. "Niall.... Niall Horan." "Nice to meet you, I am Kevin, I don't reamember my last name because I hit the ground so hard after I jumped of that cliff." I laughed and he reach out a hand to help me up. I grabbed it and he looked at my dead body. 

"So, um. Where is your friends? Aren't they gona pick you up some where today? Give you a call maybe?" Kevin said and walked over to my body. "I don't even know if I have my phone. My friends think I went home with a girl last night." I said and bent down over my body. "Nice dude!" I gave Kevin an ugly look. "What? That means that you are with girls often since that was what they guessed." I shook my head and put my hand in my own pants. Oh my god, this feels so weird. I pulled out a phone and unlocked it. "How can I hold this if I am a ghost?" I said. 

"The same way you open doors. Ghost can't walk trought walls or anything." I saw I had two missed calls, one from Liam and one from Harry. "But if we-..... Wait a sec.... Do we... Can we... Can we eat?" I said a bit worried. "Ooooh, I am sorry mate. We don't eat or sleep by the way." Kevin said.

"WE DON'T EAT!? HOW AM I GOING TO SURVIVE?!" I yelled and got up and held a tight grip around my head. Now I was seriously worried! No food! But it's tastes so good! "I CAN'T LIVE WITH OUT FOOD!" Kevin just laughed at me.

"I MEAN IT! WITH OUT THE LOVLY FOOD I NORMALY EAT I AM GOING TO DIE!" I laughed even hardes and fell on the ground. "IS THIS A JOKE KEVIN?!" I yelled. After a long time he got up and pulled himself together. 

"Sorry. Duded, I promise you won't die because you can't eat. You are already dead man." I facepalmed. "I am so stupid." He smiled and let out a last bit of laughter. 

"Okay, so here is the deal. You should put that phone back, because if someone come's here they will see a flying phone." I laughed at the tought and put the phine back. "But if we can't go trough walls, can we go trought humans and animals?" I said and looked at Kevin. 

"You are lucky to have me, I had to figure all this out the hard way. But yeah, we can go trough any living things. It means you can't go trough me." I nodded and looked around. "Why is there so few ghostes?" "Well, most of us don't ''wake up'' untill a coupple of days or weeks after we have died. So they get burried and then they are stuck underground. Unfourtunally, that happend to Michael Jackson. I am a big fan of him." I started to walk back towards the boys' house.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Kevin yelled and ran after me to catch up. "I am going to find my friends." Kevin cought up with me and walked with normal speed. "Okay, but whY? They can't see or hear you." Kevin said and tried the best he could to keep up with me. "I know, but what ese is there to do?" I said and kept waking fast. "You are right. Let's see if they find out that you are dead. So do they live far away?" He said and looked around. "Nah, just ten minutes away." He nodded and we walked in silence the rest of the walk.


HI! This is my first book and fan fiction ever!

Hope you liked it!

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