Chapter 2

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Me and Kevin was just a few meters away from my house when the door opened and Harry came out looking verry stressed."We have to find Niall. We haven't seen him since last night!" I heard Zayn shout and came out after Harry while putting his jacktet on.

"But where do we look?" Louis said and put his shoes on while jumping on one foot after Zayn and Harry. "We should go to the bar, and ask the bartender what he saw last night." Liam said and grabbed  the car keys.

"Um Liam. The bar is like ten minutes away." Harry said. "I know, but we might need to drive some where after we have talked to the bartender." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Let's go." Liam said and they all got into his car.

"Hey Kevin..." I said. "Yeah?" "Can we sit in the car?" Kevin sight. "What did I just tell you?!" He shook his head in frustation and we got into the car. It was kina werid since they couldn't see us. Liam started to drive and after five minuts he parked it.

"They still haven't noticed your body." Kevin said. "Shut up." I said and we got out of the car. Liam, Louis and Zayn walked into the bar with out noticing me. Harry stood outside, leanng against the car. 

Come on Harry, notice me! Come on, come on, come on! Harry turned his head and saw my body he gasped and looked from left to right.  "OH MY GOD!" He shouted and ran to my body. He then realized it was me. "NIALL!" He shouted and started to cry.

"Harry! Where is Niall!" Zayn said and he, Louis and Liam came running out of the bar. The saw my body and widened their eyes. "NIALL!" Liam shouted and ran to my body. "NIALL! PLEASE DON'T BE DEAD!" Zayn said and he and Louis ran over to my body.

"I-It-It's to l-late... He-He is gone." Liam sobbed. "Oh my god... How could this happen!" Harry shouted. "I-I-I don't know. We should have been more careful. We should have watched over him. OH MY GOD THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" Louis yelled and broke out in tears."It's not your fault" Harry said."Y-Yes it was a-all of our f-fault." Liam agreed whit Harry.

I let a tear fall from my eye and saw that it fell down at the ground and disapeard, just as last time."No no no why do you cry!?" Kevin said."F-First, I AM MOTHER FUCKING DEAD FOR GOD SAKE! And they thnk it's there fault, but it's all mine and I can't do somthing about it! CAUSE I AM DEAD!"  I yelled to Kevin.

"Wow! Slow down! Listen, Niall, it's not your fault.It's not their fault either. You can't show them it's not your fault, but at least you know how much they loved you." I looked at my freinds.

I saw them all cry and hug each other. It was as if every thing went in slowmotion. Liam was furious and threw things around whle crying. Zayn triend to keep himself calm and not cry and at the smae time calm down Liam.

Harry was a total mess. He wrapped his arms around my body and cryed into my shirt. Louis tried to calm Harry down, but he couldn't help it and eventually he fell on his knees and linked his fingers together over his head, covering his ear so he didn't hear Harry's sobbing and Liam shout how angry he was and how irresponsible he was for not taking care of me and Zayn who just yelled to Liam he had to calm down while he used his t-shirt to wipe away  his tears.

"I can't watch this." I said ad turned aropund and walked back home. "I am sorry bro.... Man, they really miss you." Kevin said. I sight.

"We are not like other freinds. We are a world known band. Ever heard of One Direction?" I said to Kevin. He had to think about it for a second.

"I think so. But I have only heard them on the radio sometimes when I walked past one. Are you guys One Direction?" I nodded. "Awesome! How is it to be a celebirty? Is it fun to travle around the world?" I sight.

"Kevin, you aren't helping. I am just missing my life more. I just want it back..." Kevin rolled his eyes. "Gosh Niall. I was just asking." I rolled my eyes and we kept walking and the sound of the boys crying slowly faded away.


We sat at the grass in the park. All I could think about was my friends. They were probably carrying my body right now. I mean, they shuld have calmed down a bit now so. My body couldn't just lie there, so they had to take me to the hostpital or something, so my dead body didn't just lie in th emiddle of the street.

"I am a sort of hungry now." I finaly said. "What have I said about eating while you're a ghost?" Kevin said."I know..."I answered. " What time it is?" I asked." It's about five o'clock, why are you asking?" "I was just wondering what my friends were doing." I said. "We can go and see for them if you want." "That wuld be great!" I yelled and we started walking out of the park.


Sorry that i was so slow to update! XD 

Well this was a short chapter because i totaly forgot to write on the story while i was reading on another story. So when i finaly started to write i toght it was best to just update as fast as i culd. So this is the chapter hope you like it! :D

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