How i met my monster

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It was sundown I just stepped into the creepy house it was weird than I heard something it was blue with salmon polka dots I was afraid it looked more scared than me .I stepped closer it smelled like it was swimming in the ocean I took another step it looked like a baby I picked it up and put it on my hand. I felt something like a bond then I tried to touch it some zapped out my hand did do that than I did it again whoa that is so weird . I want back home with it I didn't know where to put I can't let anyone see it where would a place nobody can see so where should I put her zap it disappeared from my hand OK that is freaky it disappeared and like teleportated under my how did u get there it talked and I fainted are you OK. Said the minster did you just talk no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes yes you did how are you doing that and what going on!!! Well this is what is happening I'm a monster and you and I have bonded when an human and a monster bond the human gets powers what ever you grant it will come true said in a cute voice I am dreaming I don't think so. And one thing do you have a pool is it big yeah can you put me in it why just do it OK I went outside I put it in the pool and it started swimming like crazy than it jumped out of the pool how did you do that i'm from the ocean so your half and fish and one more thing what's your name my name is. Noor what am I gonna name you

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