Home pt 2 countinued

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Kay's Dad pov

i was walking out to the back yard to get a drink when i couldnt help but over hear August nd Kayla aguing. i was just standing there until I heard him say he kidnapped her nd she got her attention nd held her stomach i cant believe my baby girl is having a baby.

kd-um wht

Kay-(turns around)umm hey dad we were just talking abo....

kd-talking my ass get in the damn house nd ass for u mr.alsina leave be4 i have u arrested  

Aug-(walks out)

kay-(mad)dad wht the hell is wrong with you thats my childs father

KD-and im urs now get in the damn house right now be4 you go with him u decide

Kay- fine ima leave with him (goes in the house nd packs 5 suitcases then walks downstairs) mommy im gonna miss you

Km-aww baby where are u going (pulls kayla in a hug)

Kay- ask daddy(walks to car nd calls august)

Phone convo


kay-(in tears)where are u

aug-in the front gate whats wrong

kay-ok come back and help me with theses bags

Aug- baby wh(gco)

aug pov

i was leaving Kayla's house me like a good person would do just so i aint get shot a few minutes later she called me saying come get her and help her with her bags i tried asking her what was wrong but she didnt answer me 

aug-(pulls up to the door) kayla are u gonna tell me whats wrong

kay-(gets in car)

aug-(grabs the bags nd puts them back in the car then gets in nd pulls off)so u not gonna tell me whats wrong

kay-(starts crying)

aug- baby(pulls to the side of the road) tell me whats wrong im here for u just tell me

kay-i knew he would do that i shouldve just stayed nd not come back what was i thinking(puts head in hands nd crys)

aug-(reaches over nd pulls kayla into a hug)its gonna be ok u have me 

Kay-i wanna go home baby just take me home

aug-(pulls off)ok

Hey guys sorry for the long wait on the update ive been really busy with the family nd my phone broke so yea if u would like to be in the next couple of parts please inbox or comment thanks

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kidnapped August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now