Chapter 2// Frozen

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"Hello, Panama..." He said way too creepily.
"Hi..." was all I could make out. My ex-boyfriend Michealis was right in front of me. He broke up with me because I told to him the truth, I tried to help him. He thought I was trying to fix him. I wasn't trying to fix him, I was trying to help him not be so depressing... I don't like it when a boy sulks over his past. Or really really bugs me.
"Miss me?"
I walk down the sidewalk holding hands with my love, Micheal Damian Taylor. We just watched Frozen! I loved it!
"So who was your favorite character?" he said very kindly.
"Um...the trolls who sang the fixer-upper song." I laughed. He mumbled and chuckled a little.
"What?" I smile and chuckle along with him.
"I'm not super surprised that THEY were your favorite characters." he said a bit snappish.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I said equally snappish but with more body language obviously showing sass.
"Well, it means that you try to fix your favorite character is going to have a personality like you."
You could tell he was really ticked off this time. I was too, what he just said was extremely rude.
"Be quiet. I'm not like that!" I yelled a bit. I took my hand out of his warm soft hand.
"Here we go..." He said very annoyed. I just scoffed.
"EXCUSE ME?! Um I think not! Man, sometimes your extremely cocky." me trying to get equal with him.
"That's it, I can't take you anymore. We always fight, it's not healthy for me. We-" I cut him off before he could say a word.
"Your the one who always starts it!" I yelp back.
"We're breaking up!" He yelled really harshly. The tears were brimming at my eyes. All I saw was blur, the love of my life or so I thought just broke my fragile,little,glass heart. It hurt really bad.
-End of FlashBack-
"Why not sugar?"
"Hmm...I don't know maybe because you've broken me down since we met?!"
"That's not a very good reason..."he said slyly. I just scoffed at the remark.
"Really? All we did when we dated was argue and anyways you always put me down!" A single tear escaped my eye while saying this. I've never had good memories from him, and if I did, I've already erased them from my head.
"Awe, please don't cry," he said with care. What the heck? Michael? Care? Ha!
"You didn't seem to have a problem when we were fighting," I retorted back. I didn't know this guy could have feelings after the breakup.
"That was then though," he said like he was about to cry also. All I could do was laugh. That was then? Oh my gosh, I'm sorry...what's wrong with this guy?
"So, why have you changed so much?" This was really weird for him.
"I released how bad I was..." He said softly.
"From what exactly, your therapist?" Right after we broke up I called Paradox, Michael's friend, and told him to sign Michael up for therapy.
"Just give me a chance," he was genuine. I rolled my eyes and then smiled.
"What? Really?"
"I'll give you one day to show me you've changed, then I'll make my decision," I said thinking I was so smart. He wasn't going to last a day.
"O-ok!" He smiled.
"Can you unchain me?" I said as he looked at me blankly and then went back to reality.
"Oh! Yeah! Sure!" He ran behind me and unchained me. I got up and look at my arms which had dent marks from the chains. I looked over at him and he had a big smile planted on his face. Why did he change? There is no way this dude suddenly "realised" he was wrong.

A/N: Hello! Thank you for reading this chapter, I know a bit long I'm sorry! Anyways can't wait for the next one! Please follow and vote!

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