Chapter 5// How To Be A Lady

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-Panama's View-
I get up and yawn. I don't feel like doing life today, it's too hard...

I finally sat up after looking at the ceiling wondering wether or not I should continue with sleep or not. I lazily pulled the covers off of me and when straight to the bathroom.

Right as I open my bedroom door the smell of something burning surrounded me. I heard constant meowing from my cat come from the kitchen.

I rushed into the kitchen slamming open the door just to see a wild Michael about to burn the house down trying to cook. Why I let him sleep in my house, with the possibility of him burning it down, I have no idea.

I grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran to the stove. I shoved him out of the way with the red item and started spraying like there was no tomorrow.

He turned to look at me worried. I finished and turned to him. My eyes burrowed into his soul. I took a deep breath and sighed. This was the perfect way to wake up!

I shoved the the red item into his arms right when he was about to speak. First, he takes my razor! Then, he about burns down the kitchen. Ok, calm down. I just need a hot bubble bath.

I walked out the kitchen without a word to him. Gathering all my stuff, I then heading into the bathroom and turned on the water.


After getting dried off and dressed, I walked into my bedroom and hopped onto my bed and grabbed my laptop putting it on my lap. I just wanted to relax. It's killing me not to cut.

I was scanning through Facebook when I saw a person pop up on the screen saying they were online. It was Oblivion. He was the "bad boy" per say. Some girl has a crush on him. I've only seen him from afar, but I know so much about him. No, I don't just Facebook stalk them I have the power of knowing everybody's past. It can be horrible and cool at the same time. He definitely has a interesting past.

I clicked on his icon and sent him a message saying,' Hello! I was wondering if you like to meet up and have a fun day together. Mine has been bad so far.' I closed the laptop and immediately I got a notification on my phone.

'Sure! How about we meet up at that ice cream store at the mall on highway 39?' My eyes scanned the screen reading it and I said ok to him. I picked out a dark red plaid shirt with a black high waisted shorts. To top it off I slipped on my all black converse and grabbed my wallet and phone on the way out of my room.

Michael's eyes look straight at me confused. "Whatcha doing all dressed up princess?"

"Excuse me? Don't call me princess and I'm going out with a friend."

"Who is the friend?"

"His name is not your business thank you very much. Have a fun time with Shadow, he'll get hungry soon be sure to feed him. Bye," then before he could make out a word I was out the house and I got in the car and drove off.


"Hi Oblivion! I've actually been wanting to meet up for a long time, I just didn't have the time."

"It's cool. Are you hungry?" I nodded and we walked in sync together to the food court.

Once we were there, we fought over which place we should eat at for about 10 minutes before deciding that Chick-Fa-Lay was bae.

We walked over and ordered our food and then we fought again over who was paying. He said because we was a guy and it was polite to pay. I said because I was a woman that I should because we don't need men to pay for our things.

The person behind us finally got tired of waiting so he just paid for the both of us. Oblivion thanked the man and we went to go get a seat.

I ate my food in silence until he spoke up. "So what are you plans for tomorrow?" I choked because I was kind of caught off guard. Yeah, soooo ladylike I know.

"Not that I know of. Why?" I must've look at him oddly because he dismissed the question and continued eating. I have been told I have a resting Son of a female dog-face. Maybe that was it? I finished off my sandwich and we headed out of the mall in silence.

Once getting to my car I thanked him for a good day and we awkwardly hugged and he went off in the distance.

I walked to my car and got in, turning on my radio drowning myself in the music.


I opened the door and I saw about the most adorable thing. My cat was all snuggled up on Michael's chest while they both slept! This was so picture worthy! I took my phone out and right when I was about to take a picture the stupid TV woke them up! They bother jumped up and looked at me.

I of course stared at them like a deer in headlights. Well, this wasn't supposed to happen. Uhm. Uh. I awkwardly backed away and ran into my bedroom shutting the door.

He must have been so confused. I slid off my shoes and jumped on my bed snuggling into the blankets. Now this, this felt amazing. As soon as I knew it, I was asleep.

(A/N): Hello! I feel so proud that I got a lot of words this time! Anyways I'm going to start to get to know you all. So the question is.... Drum roll please!!! No? Ok, how do you feel about potatoes?

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