A Family Of FalseHoods

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They say that people care the most when you're dead, dying, or gone. I was just starting to get why. I was running as fast as my legs would carry me. I kept looking down at him,and then back up at the town. I couldn't be wait for an ambulance as his injuries were not just a broken leg,but on stoppable bleeding.Hos body was old and fragile, I knew he was dying. I wasn't going to make it fast enough to the hospital, if I could even find it.This old clumsy man right here that was in my arms was not just a person that I met in an old house. He was related to me. I knew he wasn't my father because my dad's name was Sam,but he was someone in my life that I couldn't just let go of now. As I pushed on into the town, people stared at me in every direction. I couldn't tell if they were scared or worried or happy or anything, but they just watched. I screamed for directions until someone pointed towards the hospital. The doors went flying open as I tiredly dropped to the ground. I had carried him more than three miles, but I was finally here. A couple nurses rushed over to him and I in a confused but serious way by their faces. I was so tired and scared that I just fell. My head gently touched the floor and I tried to keep my eyes open long enough to see them take the man and put him on a stretcher. I then closed my eyes and could only see a blur of people walking around getting closer to me.
A lady was sitting by me,checking my heart and then blood pressure.
"What happened?",I asked,my body aching all over.
"You passed out on the hospital floor after you brought that man in.You did a really good thing Charlie.",She said,smiling.
"How do you know my name?",I asked,curiously.
"We found your wallet in your back Jean pocket.Arent you glad we didn't have to call you John Doe?",She said,giggling. She started to leave but I stopped her.
"Thank you for taking care of me...",I said.
"I was just doing my job",she said,smiling and sliding out of the doorway. I relaxed back into my bed,forgetting all worries for the slightest second,but then it hit me. The case! Where's the briefcase!
"Nurse! Nurse!",I said,yelling. I pushed the covers off,getting out of bed and limping out into the hallway.
"Nurse! Where's my suitcase!",I said,grabbing a random nurse's arm and impatiently questioning her.
"Uhh...Umm..Let me check. What's you name?",She asked,anxiously trying to get out of my grip
"Charlie...Charlie Weston.",I said. She walked away from me,grabbing a clipboard off the reception counter and walking back to me.
"Don't be worried Mr. Weston. Your valuables have been put safely away in the storage room.Now you really need to go back to resting in your room.",She said,gesturing me back to my room.
"No. I have too much on my mind right now.Do you know where the man is that I brought in with me?",I said with urgency. She flipped through her clipboard,putting her finger down the names.
"Uhh Yes! He's in room B204,but you really shouldn't visit him right now. You need to go back to your room Mr. Weston.",she said. I ignored her request,thinking about how relieved I was to hear he was okay.
"I need to talk to him right now. It's important.",I said,walking past her. She ran in front of me,stopping me in my tracks and guiding me back to my room.
"I'm pretty sure that it can wait until tomorrow morning Mr. Weston. Now get in your room and get some sleep. I promise he'll be there in the morning to talk to you.",She said in a kind gentle voice. I walked into my room,looking back at her as she closed the door behind me. I got into the bed,laying down and looking up at the ceiling. I didn't have time I wait around. I needed answers now. I turned to lay on my side,staring out the window at the luminous midnight moon. I hoped that tomorrow would be better as I slowly fell to sleep.
The morning sun arose and I was up,ready to finally have my answers. who was he? What did he want? Why was he there at my house that morning? As I walked to the old man's room, I thought about what he would say. Maybe he could help me with my parents. All I knew was I was about to find out. I entered the room,staring as him as he was lying there so quietly,alone in his patient room. His eyes were closed and his breathing was soft.The sun was shining through the window,and the TV was on with a soap opera. Something like General Hospital. I pulled a chair up to him and waited for him to wake. He had gray hairs and a big nose. His face was wrinkled and his closed lips looked smooth like chocolate.I waited in silence,starting to watch a part of the show. It was a suspense scene and the girl was hiding in the closet. She was spying on someone. A hand grabbed me,and I jolted around to see the old man staring at me with his piercing eyes. His grip was very firm,but slowly let go as he saw it was a familiar face. I pulled away from him for a sec,then scooting in closer to him.
"Mr. Weston? Did you sleep well... ,I asked. He stared at my face,his stiff and his mind at ease.
"Yes...I guess I did...",He said
"Mr. Weston...what where you doing at my house yesterday morning?...",I asked,patiently waiting for an answer. He was quiet,somewhat nervous to reply.
"Well...I don't know how to say this...I saw you up at the house...and I and to say hi...",he said hesitantly,"I knew you were there Charlie... I always knew someday you would come back,and when I saw the car driving up the to your parent's old house...ten years since the accident...I knew you were in it." I looked at him,confused and curious for more.
"How did you know that? Who are you?",I asked.
"I...Im your grandpa Charlie...",he said,my body paralyzed at the thought,"I was going to ring the doorbell, but I rethought my options when I saw you falling through the floor. He chuckled a little and then started to cough.
"Your my what?...",I asked,surprised.
"I'm your grandpa Charlie...don't you remember anything about me?",He asked. There were too many other memories in my head to remember who my grandpa was.
"No...I'm sorry..",I said,looking down in shame. I was full of joy, knowing I finally was with someone that loved me like family did before.I was also nervous though,without thinking, I came at him with a wide open hug.I then remembered why he was in the hospital. I knew he was in pain, but I could hear him trying to hold it in for just this moment.
"Oh! Sorry! I don't know what came over me...I guess Im just happy to see you...",I said,smiling. He grabbed my hand,squeezing it lightly and smiling back.
"Im glad to see you to Charlie.",he said,closing his eyes and letting go.

Visiting hours were almost over,and the nurse was rushing me out the door like I was a rodent in her house. I was very furious after she did it the third time and almost shoved her myself, but decided to give up. I looked at my grandpa and waved goodbye as the lady pushed me out and slammed the door.
"Gosh...I get a job to save people's lives all I get to do is deal with the stupid people that don't need it.",the nurse mumbled as she walked past me. I looked at her with a mean look, walking past her, to get my valuables in the storage room.
After leaving the hospital,I stopped around the corner and rented a room at the Cozy Courters hotel. I had rented room 211. It was sure cozy,having brown wooden walls with a cute little night stand,and white cotton blankets on an orange mattress. The room was on the top floor,a door leading out to the balcony.It was spick and span and had a gray marble bathroom. I grabbed the briefcase and set it on the bed. As I clicked it open, my mind was full of eagerness,knowing that in this box held the secrets to everything. I grabbed the stack of papers,flipping through them to find the one with my name. I pulled it out,but was let down to see that it was just a piece of paper that had nothing but my old home address and couple facts about my age and birthdate.Where was all the good stuff? I flipped through the other papers,random names of others filled with the same info as the other one. This couldn't be it,I thought. This can't be all of it! Why would my parents hide just a bunch of lame information! I grabbed the briefcase, throwing it across the room in anger,Then I heard a the sound of a click. I walked across the room,bending down to see that on the upper part of the case was a hidden opening. I slid my finger across it and  opened a new section with a folder sticking out of it. My parents must've done this to keep whatever they were hiding safe.I was about to open it and then I thought,this is it. I would finally know who the truth...I opened the folder slowly and was startled by what I saw. I couldn't believe it...my whole life was a lie...

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