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The boy felt two strong arms wrap tightly around his waist. He jumped slightly, and looked back to see Vin smiling at him.

"Thanks for the present." Vin whispered. He kissed the boy's temple gently, before he released him and stepped away to dry the clean plates.

The boy stood still for a moment, stunned, before he continued washing up. He felt like his face was on fire, and he was sure Vin could see his blush.

The boy quickly turned away to fetch the mugs from the dining table when Vin came over again, and washed them quickly. He put them on the draining board and glanced at Vin. "I need to pack my school bag." He said quietly.

Before Vin could say anything, the boy darted from the room. He slid into the bathroom and rested his forehead against the mirror, enjoying the cool surface against his burning skin.

The boy stood there for a few minutes, feeling his heart rate gradually calming in his chest.

When his skin felt about normal temperature again, the boy ran to pack his rucksack and went back downstairs.

Vin was waiting for him by his new car, looking impatient. The boy smiled at him and slid into the front seat.

The boy slipped quietly away when they arrived at school.

As he entered the school, he heard Vin's group of friends greet him with a loud chorus of ‘happy birthday’.

The Boy, Callum - LGBT, boyXboyWhere stories live. Discover now