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The next afternoon, after picking up Sab from school and taking her to her friends' house, Vin drove to the doctor’s surgery.

He sat in the waiting room, trying to control his shivers. He hated doctor’s surgeries. He always had; ever since he was small. But he liked hospitals. It was strange; Callum used to-

Don't think of him. Vin snarled to himself.

It hurt to think of Callum.

He sat quietly, watching other patients come and go, thinking that when you were sick, a doctor's office really only just made you worse, because of all the microbes flying round.

Finally, Vin's name was called. He pushed through the double doors, found Dr Donovan's office and went inside. He immediately stopped dead. Dr Donovan looked familiar. Too familiar.

The man behind the desk glanced up as the door opened, and he also froze. "Vinny?" He asked finally; that gorgeous voice was so familiar.

"Callum?" Vin stared at him for a moment, before he quickly shut the door. "What're you doing here?"

"What're you?"

"Well, I came to see Dr Donovan. Is that you?"

Callum nodded.

"Your name's Janoff."

"I changed it when I left university. God, it's been years."

Vin nodded.

He eyed Callum for a moment; his black hair was longer than when Vin had last seen him, curling just past his ears. His fringe flopped slightly in his eyes.

Those stormy grey eyes, which Vin remembered so well, were enhanced by the light-framed glasses Callum now wore.

The skinny, scrawny boy Vin had known had filled out somewhat; this man before him obviously worked out more now; muscles in his arms and chest were defined, even though the loose fabric of his shirt.

They seemed to realised they were staring at each other in the same moment.

The Boy, Callum - LGBT, boyXboyWhere stories live. Discover now