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Hey! I'm actually writing something! This is awesome! So I'm gonna talk about my busy week. It's Saturday right now, and I'm gonna talk about Monday. So Monday, I auditioned for a play. We did the Wizard of Oz. And this is a Prairie Fire Children's Theatre play, so everyone got a part. They like to add a lot of parts as well. So I got my part as a leader of the Winkies. You might know them as the people who guard a castle in hats singing Oh wee oh. Ohweeeee oh. Well, they changed our part, so we're slaves. Yay. Then Tuesday, I had school. No way! That's insane! But I did. And then I stayed after school for three hours. You see, I was supposed to come to play practice at 6:15, and I was to lazy to go home and come back. So my friends orders dominos pizza, from school, and got it delivered. Then they gave my 2 pieces and I was happy. I also auditioned for chamber orchestra that day. I play the violin. Wednesday, I got to sleep in!

I will say right now I have not updated this draft since October. That's really sad. But I'm back from a long long long long long long long long long sleep. And I will try to update as much as possible. So never fear! Whatevermynicknameis-chan is here!

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