The story behind it all

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I felt the cold air beating against my skin, but I didn't hear my alarm! I seem to have forgotten it was Saturday. I awoke and walked over to my window my eyes slightly peering through. I saw the normal boring neighborhood I live in with dark grey clouds hanging over the rooftops. I heard my phone ding I looked to see a text from Kris.

'Can I see you this weekend?'


'Okay....4:30 at the parks mall'

'Sounds good!'

Im so excited me and Kris's first date! But before I even think about Kris I need to get an update on Emma. So I called Emma to find she is recovering nicely and Tyler had come to visit and that made her day 'what about me.... Oh whatever' I guess now all I do is wait.....
Could 4:30 take any longer to get here it was 4:00, and I decided to go ahead and leave the house. I started to walk out the door but of course "Emma and where do you think your going?" "the mall." After a 10 minute pep talk about safety and all that other crap I finally got to go!! Can't wait to see Kris this night is going to be great......

Sorry this ones short the next one will be better

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