Why I Hate Romeo and Juliet - Chapter Twenty-Six

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You have no. freakin. idea. how much I'm loving writing right now. I'm thinking its because of all the fantastic feedback I've been getting. I'm sure it's getting old, hearing how much I love it, but I just can't help myself. :)

The boys are back! :)

I'm keeping up with my promise; Luke, Nate, and Spence are back for a little bit in this chapter.

Who's your favorite character of Why I Hate Romeo and Juliet? Just sparked an interest in me :) Lemme know!


Chapter Twenty-Six

The second I stepped into Erick’s car that Monday morning, I flinched a little. “You smell like smoke.” The stench was unbearable; I’m surprised neighbors weren’t calling 911 because they smelt something burning. I’m surprised I didn’t look back at my house to check if it were up in flames.

He glanced sideways at me but kept his eyes set on the road while driving. “You smell like…perfume?”

“Don’t act so surprised,” I snapped. “I am a girl. Girls wear perfume.”

 Last night, talking to Jane, explaining Erick’s presence, we eventually got talking about going shopping for her dress. Jane suggested slowly easing into more girly clothing, so it wouldn’t feel uncomfortable at the exhibit (like I was when she readied me for that party). The last thing, we’d decided, that Ms. Clayton needed was me, bumbling around like an idiot in heels. This morning, to ease myself into being…girly? I used a tiny, tiny bit of a perfume Jane had bought me a while ago. I was surprised Erick even noticed.

“Most girls also believe in love,” he said, equally hasty.

What the hell? “Most guys aren’t so forward.”

“Most guys don’t get shit over smelling a bit smoky.”

A bit smoky,” I scoffed. “You don’t just smell a bit smoky. You reek of cigarettes, Erick. And I wasn’t giving you shit about it.”

“Like you’re not right now?” He tightened his fists around the steering wheel.

“I never said smelling like smoke was a bad thing,” I muttered, glancing at his white knuckles.

He gave a disbelieving laugh. “Yeah, because that’s the scent everyone’s so fond of.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You know what? I actually like the smell of cigarettes.” It’s sure as hell better than the piss I’m wearing right now, I thought. “Not when you stink of them though. Christ, how much did you smoke?”

“Leave it, Hazel,” he clenched his jaw.

“Seriously?” I grimaced at him. What was with this attitude? “What crawled up your ass this morning?”

“It’s none of your business.”

That was all it took to tip me over the edge. “Pull over,” I demanded. “Now. Pull over, now.”

“What are you on about?” he gave me a wary look, for the briefest of seconds, before setting his eyes back on the road.

“I said to pull over,” I repeated myself. “I thought we were cool, Erick. But if you’re just going to be a bitch for no reason, or not tell me why, then I’d rather walk to school.”

He gave an amused smile, not at me, and pulled over to the side of the road. “Then get out.”

“Fine,” I said, a bit shocked that he was actually telling me to go through with it. It was a bluff, for crying out loud! I began to open the door, and just as it swung half way, I heard him mutter those words…

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