Part 2: Meet Brad Ness

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Skylars POV:

Since the tenth grade I've known that Brad has been in love with me. It wasn't the type of love people would think of. It was the type of love that if you lost it you could lose all your will to live. Or so I've heard from people. I've never been in love but when I do fall into it I hope it's with the right person who will cherish me and take care of me like there's no tomorrow. Every now and then when I'm sitting in class I would catch Brad watching me like a hawk stalking its prey. My friends find it extremely creepy, but I find it soothing in ways if I tried to explain to them they'd probably think I was crazy. Brad, Brad had these amazing fiery blue eyes that looked like the ocean on a clear sunny day. He had these birth marks all over his face, they look like freckles but they aren't freckles. He had these black locks that I wish I could run my hands through. You could say that I liked Brad, but to like him would mean to open myself up to someone and I just don't think I'm ready for something like that. I mean Brad is a wonderful guy, I've never really had a full on conversation with him without him stuttering or blanking out on me. But I don't want to get involved with Brad I don't think he was to deal with the heavy load I come with. No one does. 

It's now Friday 7:35 pm. I've been staring at my phone wondering when I would call Brad. Knowing Brad He's probably doing the exact same thing. Sitting down staring at his phone wondering when I would call. I was supposed to call him at 6 but then I thought what is he's doing something, I wouldn't want to intrude. It's now Friday 7:37 only two minutes have passed. Maybe I should call him now before it gets too late. 

I pike up my phone and dial his number. *Ring* *Ring*  He picked up on the second ring 

"H-Hello"? He said, he sounds like he just woke up

"Hey Brad it's skylar calling" I said in a too happy tone. I hear some muffling on the other line and then silence 

"Hey skylar what's up"? He said. What's up? I told him I'd call about the project..

"I'm calling about the project, do you think we could meet up somewhere to work on it?, or I could come over to your house to work on it if you want, or you could come here"? I said 

"Umm, I could come over to your house tomorrow? At 2 maybe? If that's okay with you." He said in a shaky voice 

"Yeah that works fine with me, My address is 33343 Bluebird Lane" I said

"Okay, I'll see you then skylar"

"Okay, bye Brad". 

"Bye" he said a little too quick 

Tomorrow Brad Ness will be over at my house and I don't know how I feel about that. Tomorrow can either go one way or the other. Hopefully it goes the way I want it too. I pray my parents won't be home because whenever they are home it's always hectic. See my parents travel a lot for their work and are never home, and when they are home I am never at peace. I can't remember if this is their weekend to be home or not, hopefully it isn't because if it is, and something does happen I'm not ready to share that part of my life with just anyone just yet. Not even Brad even tho I know he'll understand without even knowing hats happening. I just don't want my baggage on someone so pure and kind. 

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