Part 4

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Brad's POV:

I'm still shocked on how Skylar treated me on Saturday. I plan on confronting her about it on Monday. I don't really know how to go about it because 

       1. It wasn't any of my business why she acted that way

       2. I couldn't live with myself if I was the reason why she acted that way 

       3. Her happiness is my happiness 

It's now Monday morning and I'm sitting in class waiting for Skylar to show up.  It's been 10 minutes since the bell rang and still no Skylar. 30 minutes since the bell rang. Still no Skylar. There was now 2 minutes left of class and Skylar is still not here. She's never missed a day of school. Never. Something must be up. I want to ask her friends where she is but I don't want to feel like I'm intruding with her personal life, so I just text skylar instead. 

"Hey skylar, I saw you weren't in first period today.. I was wondering if everything was okay." *Send*

As the school day dragged on Skylar still didn't show up. I couldn't help thinking that somehow that this was all my fault. Maybe I said something I wasn't supposed to say to her when I saw her last Saturday. Maybe I should text her again just to be sure.

"Skylar id everything okay?" *Send*

Within seconds she replied to my message.

"How soon can you get here?"

Am I reading this right? I didn't know what to say.

"Well I'm in in third period right now and I still have fourth period, but I can come over after school gets out?"

She replied almost immidiatly 

"No that's too late, you need to come now".

What is she going on about. I just can't get up and leave in the middle of class. Maybe I should just get up and leave she said she needs me now so I have to go now. WAIT! Brad what are you doing. You just can't get up in the middle of class and leave, you'll get in trouble. But I need to be with Skylar. She said she needs me I have to go. So I gather my things stand up and start walking towards the door. The teacher calls after me 

"Brad where do you think you are going?"
"I, I need to go"
"Go where exactly"?
"I just need to go". That's all I said walking out the door.

I shot Skylar a quick text telling her I'm on my way. All she said was okay back to me. ON the drive over there I couldn't help but get excited as I drove to her house.  She needed me for what I don't know but hopefully I can be there for her the way she wants me to be. Sometimes I get scared because I just only started having a conversation with her last week that I could so something so wrong that she'd just push me away. I couldn't take that because she's the only girl I've ever loved. Even if I didn't know her I knew I loved her. And I scared me the way I felt about her, knowing you could love someone without even knowing them. I pulled up to her drive way and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Her goes nothing.

I walked up to her front door and knocked twice. I waited. Soon later she opened the door.

Holy shit she looked a hot mess. But in a cute type of way. She looked sleep deprived. 

"Are you going to just stand there pr are you coming in?" she asked in a hushed tone. For a second I almost lost myself knowing I haven't heard her voice in 3 days. As I walked into her house I could tell that something was making her uneasy by the way she kept picking at her nails.

"Follow me upstairs" She said turning away from me walking up the stairs

I followed her upstairs and she sat on the bed and signaled for me to do the exact same thing. I sat on the bed and just looked at her. She was looking down picking at her nails. I could tell something was bothering her but I didn't know what it was. 

"Is everything okay?" I said to her making her look up

"Um, yeah.." she said with a pause " Well no, not really. I haven't been able to sleep for the past couple of days and I don't really want to go into detail about why I haven't been able to sleep and all but I just really want to sleep but I cant and I didn't know who else to call, I mean I could've called my parents but nvm, so I called you and you're the only person who I'm really comfortable around you make me feel really secure and I-"

"Woah Skylar slow down and breath" I said cutting her off mid sentence.

"Brad can you please lay with me for a little bit or at least till I fall asleep?" She asked me with pleading eyes

I didn't know what to say I was dumbfounded "Yeas sure" That's all I could say. Brad what are you doing?? Once you do this there is no going back. 

"Thank you" She said laying down on the bed. 

I didn't really know what I was doing. I found myself taking off my shoes and keys out of my pocket and laid on the bed next to her. I didn't know what to do. I just laid there awkwardly. All of a sudden I felt the bed move and she now layed on the bed with her hand sprawled across my chest and her head laid on my shoulder. I don't really know how long we stayed in this positon but I didn't want to move in fear of waking her up. I didn't want to do that. I was now 12:02 am exactly 2 hours and 2 minutes past my curfew. I am so screwed. I reached over to the lamp table and retrived my phone. 

* 2 missed calls from MOMM*

*6 new messages from MOMM*

"Where are you Brad"?

"I got a call from the school today about you walking out in the middle of class today Brad is everything okay"?


"Brad I'm worried call me as soon as possible".

"Brad is everything okay"?


Whenever my mom called me "Bradley" You knew she was either upset or mad. I decided the best thing was to call her  so she at least knew I was alive

'Hello Brad where are you"? She asked in a concerned tone

"Hi mom, I'm with Skylar right now she texted me during school that I needed to come over to her house she didn't tell me why but when I got here she told me that she needed to sleep and that's what she's been doing for the past couple of hours sleeping. That's why I haven't texted or called you mom, I'm sorry." I said out of breath. The best thing was to tell my mom the truth because then you might not get into as much trouble.

"Oh Brad is she okay? Why'd she need you to come over so she could sleep"?

"Mom I don't really know".

"Well okay Brad, as long as you're okay I'm okay. Just call me next time okay. We'll talk more later when I see you tomorrow okay?"

"okay mother."

"I love you Brad"

"Yep, love you too mom bye".

"Bye honey"

The best thing about my mom was that she was very understanding about everything. She didn't need much information about anything. That's what I loved about her she understood things even before it was explained to her.. Skylar has been asleep now for a couple hours and I think it's the most peaceful state I've ever seen her in. I didn't want to be a creep by watching her sleep but how could you not. She looked like an angle when she sleeps. She shifts slightly in my arms and I freeze. She's still asleep. She looks at peace.

Tomorrow I'd have to get some answers from her, but as for now I'll enjoy this moment that I may never get to encounter again.  

Skylar asleep in my arms. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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