One: O for Only

462 16 2

Only: no one or nothing more besides; solely or exclusively.

Words: 1124


He refused to believe it. It couldn't possibly be what he thought it was. It's been too long of a hiatus, so why was that song still playing? He was sure that she'd forgotten about it.

Haruka's phone rang, and at first he was confused at why she so hastily tried to grab at her phone, but he quickly discovered the secret she must've been trying to hide.

A painfully familiar voice sounded, singing the lyrics of an equally familiar song. It was him. As a ringtone. Haruka's ringtone. It wasn't exactly him, more like he alter ego he'd long since ditched as an effort to regain his dignity. He'd created the character and singing style in an attempt to grasp onto the singing opportunities even though he was supposed to be a comedian, but it didn't work out; not that he ever thought it would.

Seeing himself in that deceptively convincing persona was cringe-worthy, and hearing the song was terribly nostalgic in a way that gave him shudders.

So why, he was asking himself in complete and utter disbelief, was Haruka so intent on latching on to this character?

Was he not enough? Surely, he rationalized, he couldn't be jealous of himself? But technically, the inner voice argued, it's not you, it's a cheery comedian act you had to put on.

Despite everything that was running through his mind, Tokiya was determined to remain calm. He would not lunge for the phone and delete any remnant of his past, he would not obnoxiously interrogate her; instead, he would wait patiently until her call ended to ask politely what in Kami's name was she doing with Hayato.

And so he sat, waiting for Haruka's conversation with whomever to end (he couldn't care less who she was talking to at that point) and tried to contemplate how he'd approach the subject, but the call was dismissed before he could fully gather his thoughts.

Haruka turned to face Tokiya in her seat, looking embarrassed and sheepish. Before she could speak up and hope to lessen her situation, the singer beat her to it.

"Why do you have Hayato as your ringtone?" He could not hide the denial from his tone as he composed his features as to not look contemptuous.

Haruka's gaze darted to the cell she'd placed on the table in front of her, and looked back at Tokiya. He could feel the warmth radiating off her face as she became redder and redder.

"I-it's nothing to concern yourself over, Ichinose-san, really." Haruka amended, waving her hands.

Tokiya simply kept his eyes locked with hers, and looked expectantly at her. She ducked and mumbled something under her breath about a favorite song of hers. His eyebrows shot up.

"What's your favorite song of mine?"

His gaze burned into hers and the girl gulped. Just when she was about to answer, the blasted phone went off again. Tokiya closed his eyes against the irritation and internal humiliation of hearing himself sing. He was not proud of his situation and desperation back in his rookie days and he did not take well to the brunt reminder of his bipolarity.

He watched as she tentatively picked up the call, meekly greeting whoever was on the other side. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

Tokiya shifted in his seat and prepared himself. He decided that he could sacrifice this much as of now.

Clearing his throat, he conjured the sickly sweet voice he'd gotten so accustomed to using.

"Ne, Haru-chan, why would you need that ringtone if you've got the real thing right here?"

Haruka's eyes widened and her grip around the phone tightened. He watched on bemusedly, not sure if it was good or bad that this was evoking such a reaction out of her. He listened on as she stuttered her goodbye and shakily placed the phone back on the table. When she turned to face him, his smile was plastered on from years of training.

Tokiya could basically see the restraint Haruka was trying to hide behind.


He leaned in, "Nope. It's Hayato. Ha-ya-to." With a pout, he backed away.

Alarms blared as he leaned back and Haruka leaned in towards him. The sparkle in her eyes and eager expression was what he feared would be the end of him. Tokiya blinked nervously; he had to devise a plan that would render her powerless.

So, he moved in for the kill. Throwing both arms around her shoulders, he pulled her close and touched foreheads, her eyes glazed with wonder and disbelief.

Inside, he was quickly melting. Odd how he was so impulsive and confident as Hayato, but would never consider a second of this as Tokiya even though they were both him.

Haruka, whether she was doing so intentionally or not, was not making the situation better; her eyes fluttered shut, and she instinctively tilted her head to the side.

The implications were too much for him to handle and he very awkwardly jerked his head away. His mind raced with what could've been happening if he hadn't pulled away, and his body hummed with the short-lived adrenaline that pumped his system.

When he saw Haruka's mortified face, he snapped out of his delusions. She was beet red, hands covering her face, and Tokiya ditched his persona; the double was confusing him and he couldn't afford distractions.

He gently pried away her hands and saw that she was trembling. Fear jumped him.


At the familiar tone, she glanced up cautiously.

"Ichinose?" Her lips quivered. "I'm sorry!" She wailed.

He wanted to interject that it was fine but she bulldozed on. "I was trying to hold back but you bullied me!"

Haruka clasped her mouth shut. Tokiya's sly smile grew. She blushed even harder.

"I thought it was Hayato-sama you wanted to kiss?"

She shook her head, her vivid hair swaying, hands still clamped on top of her mouth. A mumbled retort sneaked out in between her fingers.

"You guys are the same person. I just didn't want to have you catch me with your song as my ringtone..." She trailed off, keeping her eyes on Tokiya in case of any extreme reactions that would require immediate evacuation.

His eyes softened.

" like me?" He tested out the waters.

Haruka stared at the idol for a second, dragging it out into minutes. She nodded imperceptibly. Tokiya burst with joy and relief.

He smiled and leaned towards her mischievously. "Then let's continue where we left off."

Haruka let out a long, high-pitched keen. She would not be able to handle this man.

Uta no Prince-sama: A-Z [ONE-SHOTS]Where stories live. Discover now